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If I Were The Elder.....


  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.
  • FoxgirlkatieFoxgirlkatie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,055
    Posts: 156
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »

    I'd probably hate what the world has become today....and possibly try to destroy it and fix things. =/

    I can't help but to feel empathy and sympathy, as well as feel bad for him, all the sacrifices he's made and all the fighting he's done for a future like this..... v .v

    I can relate. A little too much actually. =/

    But hey on the bright side I get to become God now! ;D

    hey OP. ithis is off topic but i wanted to ask. how is your Diologue box liek that? mine has the NPC art overlapping with it so i cant make out much of what their saying.

    I'm a filthy stinking rich conservative man, who liberals and SJWs hate, so I have a huge things are more spaced out. o -o

    I am joking. My screen is just bigger and therefore my resolution is bigger too.


    But man they are really pushing it lmao.....pretty tenacious in making people stay.

    Even I can respect that.

    well the thing is. my NPCs were never like this til last year since around the time i got my new PC. and ive been using the same monitor for years.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180

    This quest really brings out the current state of each towns, though.

    Tir Chonaill did get less people by the years.

    Also you guys need to chill with the Girgashiy raids. Rua's getting bothered by it.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    TNinja wrote: »

    This quest really brings out the current state of each towns, though.

    Tir Chonaill did get less people by the years.

    Also you guys need to chill with the Girgashiy raids. Rua's getting bothered by it.

    I couldn't check, because you can only go through it once, but since Rua wasn't working, I went to visit her at her house for that part of the quest, and the way it was written it felt like you get different dialogue depending on whether you talk to her at the bar or at her house, for that part of the quest.


    She also mentions items that she gave you, or something.


    I can't remember a part during G19/20 when you had to talk to Rua, but she did give you that Dress for Nao at the end of her sidequest, which you need to have done to visit her house normally.

    Was also a part later where Merlin mentions Eiren, which I doubt you'd know about if you hadn't done the Chain Slasher side-story, so I wonder if what he says is different depending on if you've done that, too.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 14, 2018
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.

    I say the first two seasons of Korra are garbage, but for different reasons. If you subtract Zuko and leave us with only Azula, that is. The equalist were wasted, and Book 2's relatively decent moment was Tenzin in the fog of lost souls.

    In any case, Korra tries to make each of its villains extremists who poised good points, while Avatar had villains who suffered from human weaknesses whose endgame was was amoral and selfish (Mostly Azula over the seasons, and definitely Zuko despite his antihero/villain status). They just didn't do it very well in some cases.

    The red lotus are rather charming villains, and Kuvira is rather passable concerning her in-universe historical context, I say.

    Foes like Azula are pitiable, but I definitely cannot see "her" point anymore than I can see Sozin. Maybe Hama, but she was rather episodic, yet I felt best felt your description of a villain with sensible points to be considered.

    Edit: Sorry, geeked out. I love the Avatar universe. Do you mean morally justifiable but taken too far, or having understandable villains? :D
  • ZarozianZarozian
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 275
    edited June 15, 2018
    Korra was okay but the original with Ang was the best, mostly cause they traveled to different places with a gang and the world was a much more bigger place.

    Also it's taking forever for me to get the next part of the quest!

    It's already been a day now! >;(
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    edited June 16, 2018
    Spoiler tags have been added. Please use spoiler tags for excessive quoting to prevent spam.
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.

    I say the first two seasons of Korra are garbage, but for different reasons. If you subtract Zuko and leave us with only Azula, that is. The equalist were wasted, and Book 2's relatively decent moment was Tenzin in the fog of lost souls.

    In any case, Korra tries to make each of its villains extremists who poised good points, while Avatar had villains who suffered from human weaknesses whose endgame was was amoral and selfish (Mostly Azula over the seasons, and definitely Zuko despite his antihero/villain status). They just didn't do it very well in some cases.

    The red lotus are rather charming villains, and Kuvira is rather passable concerning her in-universe historical context, I say.

    Foes like Azula are pitiable, but I definitely cannot see "her" point anymore than I can see Sozin. Maybe Hama, but she was rather episodic, yet I felt best felt your description of a villain with sensible points to be considered.

    Edit: Sorry, geeked out. I love the Avatar universe. Do you mean morally justifiable but taken too far, or having understandable villains? :D

    I say LoK didn't have good villains because they didn't have enough time to feel... human whereas zuko had a fleshed out story and you can see that he's basically a child of propaganda, war, and hate that grows up into someone more understanding and likeable. Amon is just well... to put it lightly a communist and he decided the best way to do that was stealing power from people, then they try and make us feel bad for him when he wasn't developed enough to care about. I think the villains had potential to be cool. As I had it explained, the original had episodes that kinda had their own story in each and every one while working towards the end goal, while LoK just had an endgoal so none of the characters had their own moments to really make them feel alive.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 16, 2018
    Spoiler tags have been added. Please use spoiler tags for excessive quoting to prevent spam.
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.

    I say the first two seasons of Korra are garbage, but for different reasons. If you subtract Zuko and leave us with only Azula, that is. The equalist were wasted, and Book 2's relatively decent moment was Tenzin in the fog of lost souls.

    In any case, Korra tries to make each of its villains extremists who poised good points, while Avatar had villains who suffered from human weaknesses whose endgame was was amoral and selfish (Mostly Azula over the seasons, and definitely Zuko despite his antihero/villain status). They just didn't do it very well in some cases.

    The red lotus are rather charming villains, and Kuvira is rather passable concerning her in-universe historical context, I say.

    Foes like Azula are pitiable, but I definitely cannot see "her" point anymore than I can see Sozin. Maybe Hama, but she was rather episodic, yet I felt best felt your description of a villain with sensible points to be considered.

    Edit: Sorry, geeked out. I love the Avatar universe. Do you mean morally justifiable but taken too far, or having understandable villains? :D

    I say LoK didn't have good villains because they didn't have enough time to feel... human whereas zuko had a fleshed out story and you can see that he's basically a child of propaganda, war, and hate that grows up into someone more understanding and likeable. Amon is just well... to put it lightly a communist and he decided the best way to do that was stealing power from people, then they try and make us feel bad for him when he wasn't developed enough to care about. I think the villains had potential to be cool. As I had it explained, the original had episodes that kinda had their own story in each and every one while working towards the end goal, while LoK just had an endgoal so none of the characters had their own moments to really make them feel alive.

    I thought the gang was overall worst, but that the villains had more of a valid point despite lacking the sympathy one has for Zuko or Azula.

    To an extent, Kuvira's rise to power mirrors your reasoning, as she essentially cultivate a sense of patriotism turned nationalism while building up her empire, with the past history of a near loss to the Fire Nation during the 100 year war contributing greatly to her rise as did the power vacuum.

    While I find comparison to Germany trite, the deposing of the monarchy is reminiscent of the replacement of the ineffective Weimar Republic, a democracy born out of the remnants of World War I, with Hitler's brand of dictatorship. If one read up on daily life, basic civil rights were willfully suspended up to and including political speech. By willfully, many people initially approved of these mandates if it meant regaining a sense of prestige held previously.

    Kuvira was perhaps the more interest in terms of being a product of the times and culture.

    I found Zaheer and Amon to be more rule of cool, with Zaheer being a well learned anarchist and Amon to be...well, Amon. Amon felt more wasted as the antibending resentment seems rather understandable, versus the general ideology Zaheer pushes forth.
  • ZarozianZarozian
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 275
    edited June 16, 2018
    Spoiler tags have been added. Please use spoiler tags for excessive quoting to prevent spam.
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.

    I say the first two seasons of Korra are garbage, but for different reasons. If you subtract Zuko and leave us with only Azula, that is. The equalist were wasted, and Book 2's relatively decent moment was Tenzin in the fog of lost souls.

    In any case, Korra tries to make each of its villains extremists who poised good points, while Avatar had villains who suffered from human weaknesses whose endgame was was amoral and selfish (Mostly Azula over the seasons, and definitely Zuko despite his antihero/villain status). They just didn't do it very well in some cases.

    The red lotus are rather charming villains, and Kuvira is rather passable concerning her in-universe historical context, I say.

    Foes like Azula are pitiable, but I definitely cannot see "her" point anymore than I can see Sozin. Maybe Hama, but she was rather episodic, yet I felt best felt your description of a villain with sensible points to be considered.

    Edit: Sorry, geeked out. I love the Avatar universe. Do you mean morally justifiable but taken too far, or having understandable villains? :D

    I say LoK didn't have good villains because they didn't have enough time to feel... human whereas zuko had a fleshed out story and you can see that he's basically a child of propaganda, war, and hate that grows up into someone more understanding and likeable. Amon is just well... to put it lightly a communist and he decided the best way to do that was stealing power from people, then they try and make us feel bad for him when he wasn't developed enough to care about. I think the villains had potential to be cool. As I had it explained, the original had episodes that kinda had their own story in each and every one while working towards the end goal, while LoK just had an endgoal so none of the characters had their own moments to really make them feel alive.

    I thought the gang was overall worst, but that the villains had more of a valid point despite lacking the sympathy one has for Zuko or Azula.

    To an extent, Kuvira's rise to power mirrors your reasoning, as she essentially cultivate a sense of patriotism turned nationalism while building up her empire, with the past history of a near loss to the Fire Nation during the 100 year war contributing greatly to her rise as did the power vacuum.

    While I find comparison to Germany trite, the deposing of the monarchy is reminiscent of the replacement of the ineffective Weimar Republic, a democracy born out of the remnants of World War I, with Hitler's brand of dictatorship. If one read up on daily life, basic civil rights were willfully suspended up to and including political speech. By willfully, many people initially approved of these mandates if it meant regaining a sense of prestige held previously.

    Kuvira was perhaps the more interest in terms of being a product of the times and culture.

    I found Zaheer and Amon to be more rule of cool, with Zaheer being a well learned anarchist and Amon to be...well, Amon. Amon felt more wasted as the antibending resentment seems rather understandable, versus the general ideology Zaheer pushes forth.

    Ah I remember Kuro often compared me to Hitler, but what Hitler did was give his people back their pride after their defeat in WWI, he turned their depression and despair into hate and used it to fuel his rise, which did make Germany powerful and feared again, and for a short time the people were really happy again, at the cost of other people in other nations of course lol.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 16, 2018
    Spoiler tags have been added. Please use spoiler tags for excessive quoting to prevent spam.
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.

    I say the first two seasons of Korra are garbage, but for different reasons. If you subtract Zuko and leave us with only Azula, that is. The equalist were wasted, and Book 2's relatively decent moment was Tenzin in the fog of lost souls.

    In any case, Korra tries to make each of its villains extremists who poised good points, while Avatar had villains who suffered from human weaknesses whose endgame was was amoral and selfish (Mostly Azula over the seasons, and definitely Zuko despite his antihero/villain status). They just didn't do it very well in some cases.

    The red lotus are rather charming villains, and Kuvira is rather passable concerning her in-universe historical context, I say.

    Foes like Azula are pitiable, but I definitely cannot see "her" point anymore than I can see Sozin. Maybe Hama, but she was rather episodic, yet I felt best felt your description of a villain with sensible points to be considered.

    Edit: Sorry, geeked out. I love the Avatar universe. Do you mean morally justifiable but taken too far, or having understandable villains? :D

    I say LoK didn't have good villains because they didn't have enough time to feel... human whereas zuko had a fleshed out story and you can see that he's basically a child of propaganda, war, and hate that grows up into someone more understanding and likeable. Amon is just well... to put it lightly a communist and he decided the best way to do that was stealing power from people, then they try and make us feel bad for him when he wasn't developed enough to care about. I think the villains had potential to be cool. As I had it explained, the original had episodes that kinda had their own story in each and every one while working towards the end goal, while LoK just had an endgoal so none of the characters had their own moments to really make them feel alive.

    I thought the gang was overall worst, but that the villains had more of a valid point despite lacking the sympathy one has for Zuko or Azula.

    To an extent, Kuvira's rise to power mirrors your reasoning, as she essentially cultivate a sense of patriotism turned nationalism while building up her empire, with the past history of a near loss to the Fire Nation during the 100 year war contributing greatly to her rise as did the power vacuum.

    While I find comparison to Germany trite, the deposing of the monarchy is reminiscent of the replacement of the ineffective Weimar Republic, a democracy born out of the remnants of World War I, with Hitler's brand of dictatorship. If one read up on daily life, basic civil rights were willfully suspended up to and including political speech. By willfully, many people initially approved of these mandates if it meant regaining a sense of prestige held previously.

    Kuvira was perhaps the more interest in terms of being a product of the times and culture.

    I found Zaheer and Amon to be more rule of cool, with Zaheer being a well learned anarchist and Amon to be...well, Amon. Amon felt more wasted as the antibending resentment seems rather understandable, versus the general ideology Zaheer pushes forth.

    Ah I remember Kuro often compared me to Hitler, but what Hitler did was give his people back their pride after their defeat in WWI, he turned their depression and despair into hate and used it to fuel his rise, which did make Germany powerful and feared again, and for a short time the people were really happy again, at the cost of other people in other nations of course lol.

    My point was the comparison, as in Germany at the time, civil rights did not exist for anyone. You were either a , a non- at heart, or an enemy. The White Rose was comprised of teenagers, and yet they were executed for merely distributing heretical pamphlets. Same as Helmuth Hubner.

    People supported these measures due to the overwhelmingly nationalism. They support having their own rights being stripped away for this and many reasons. Kuvira's rise to power was due to her uniting people in rage and disparate desperation, leading to throngs of supporters who accepted her methods.

    This is especially apparent if one has followed up on The Promise (?) ( I think that is the name), which concerns how Aang and the gaang sought to become diplomats in a war torn world, with a major dilemma being The Earth Kingdom Colonies established during Sozin's reign in the early years of the war. Essentially, you either had to order people who lived their for generations to relocate to a country they never lived in, disregarding their livelihoods, or let them stay, despite the reasoning for why they were there in the first place.

    Which, as you guessed it, was eventually annexed to be Republic City, a sore point for many Earth Kingdom citizens. It was taken from Earth Kingdom territory.
  • ZarozianZarozian
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 275
    edited June 21, 2018
    Spoiler tags have been added. Please use spoiler tags for excessive quoting to prevent spam.
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Zarozian wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Destroy and remake?

    See, talking like that is how you end up getting smeared across time and space by a protagonist with an anime haircuit and their plucky band of misfits.
    Likely done in by the power of friendship.

    Za-trope-ian, the Dark Lord!

    Yeah sure, but a well written story always has two sides, you can instantly tell a good story from a bad one based on the villain, the reason for the villains action and the logic behind it.

    Ironically right now I am taking the Elder to talk to some people of present day and I have no clue why the hell I would bring the guy to Bean Rua which is basically just a night club for the depraved! >;(

    It's like they are deliberately trying to make the Elder not like the future! >;(

    Also what anime are you talking about?

    this is the reason legend of korra sucks but the original doesn't. Well, there's a lot of reasons but that's one of them.

    I say the first two seasons of Korra are garbage, but for different reasons. If you subtract Zuko and leave us with only Azula, that is. The equalist were wasted, and Book 2's relatively decent moment was Tenzin in the fog of lost souls.

    In any case, Korra tries to make each of its villains extremists who poised good points, while Avatar had villains who suffered from human weaknesses whose endgame was was amoral and selfish (Mostly Azula over the seasons, and definitely Zuko despite his antihero/villain status). They just didn't do it very well in some cases.

    The red lotus are rather charming villains, and Kuvira is rather passable concerning her in-universe historical context, I say.

    Foes like Azula are pitiable, but I definitely cannot see "her" point anymore than I can see Sozin. Maybe Hama, but she was rather episodic, yet I felt best felt your description of a villain with sensible points to be considered.

    Edit: Sorry, geeked out. I love the Avatar universe. Do you mean morally justifiable but taken too far, or having understandable villains? :D

    I say LoK didn't have good villains because they didn't have enough time to feel... human whereas zuko had a fleshed out story and you can see that he's basically a child of propaganda, war, and hate that grows up into someone more understanding and likeable. Amon is just well... to put it lightly a communist and he decided the best way to do that was stealing power from people, then they try and make us feel bad for him when he wasn't developed enough to care about. I think the villains had potential to be cool. As I had it explained, the original had episodes that kinda had their own story in each and every one while working towards the end goal, while LoK just had an endgoal so none of the characters had their own moments to really make them feel alive.
    I thought the gang was overall worst, but that the villains had more of a valid point despite lacking the sympathy one has for Zuko or Azula.

    To an extent, Kuvira's rise to power mirrors your reasoning, as she essentially cultivate a sense of patriotism turned nationalism while building up her empire, with the past history of a near loss to the Fire Nation during the 100 year war contributing greatly to her rise as did the power vacuum.

    While I find comparison to Germany trite, the deposing of the monarchy is reminiscent of the replacement of the ineffective Weimar Republic, a democracy born out of the remnants of World War I, with Hitler's brand of dictatorship. If one read up on daily life, basic civil rights were willfully suspended up to and including political speech. By willfully, many people initially approved of these mandates if it meant regaining a sense of prestige held previously.

    Kuvira was perhaps the more interest in terms of being a product of the times and culture.

    I found Zaheer and Amon to be more rule of cool, with Zaheer being a well learned anarchist and Amon to be...well, Amon. Amon felt more wasted as the antibending resentment seems rather understandable, versus the general ideology Zaheer pushes forth.

    Ah I remember Kuro often compared me to Hitler, but what Hitler did was give his people back their pride after their defeat in WWI, he turned their depression and despair into hate and used it to fuel his rise, which did make Germany powerful and feared again, and for a short time the people were really happy again, at the cost of other people in other nations of course lol.
    My point was the comparison, as in Germany at the time, civil rights did not exist for anyone. You were either a , a non- at heart, or an enemy. The White Rose was comprised of teenagers, and yet they were executed for merely distributing heretical pamphlets. Same as Helmuth Hubner.

    People supported these measures due to the overwhelmingly nationalism. They support having their own rights being stripped away for this and many reasons. Kuvira's rise to power was due to her uniting people in rage and disparate desperation, leading to throngs of supporters who accepted her methods.

    This is especially apparent if one has followed up on The Promise (?) ( I think that is the name), which concerns how Aang and the gaang sought to become diplomats in a war torn world, with a major dilemma being The Earth Kingdom Colonies established during Sozin's reign in the early years of the war. Essentially, you either had to order people who lived their for generations to relocate to a country they never lived in, disregarding their livelihoods, or let them stay, despite the reasoning for why they were there in the first place.

    Which, as you guessed it, was eventually annexed to be Republic City, a sore point for many Earth Kingdom citizens. It was taken from Earth Kingdom territory.

    Aye but when your people are in despair and they're suffering, what better way to get them to take up action again, by turning their despair into anger and anger into fuel for great change! = 3=

    In situations like those there's no better leader than one who understands the thoughts and feelings of its people and turn them into words and action to show them a way out and a way to rise up! = w=

    Also where the hell is the rest of the quest, things were going great but the heck is going on here? They gave us like just half an update. =/