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Closed [SUBMISSIONS] Anime Cosplay Screenshot Contest
Aladdin and Ugo from Magi: the Labyrinth of Magic~
and Random cameo of Entai LOOOLIGN: Garlio
Server: Mari
Mooo~ Help from Milkxlatte ♥~
IGN: Zenpai & Levitisk
Server: Alexina
Anime: TOUHOU (while it's primarily a game, it has had some anime adaptations)
Characters: Sakuya Izayoi (Zenpai) and Remilia Scarlet (Levitisk)
IGN: Hellhind
Server: Mari
Anime: Queen's Blade
Character: Alleyne
Missing the Beret and the Hood/Cape because of limitations -_-
"Erupting! Burning! FINGER!!!
IGN: Domonkasshu (alt character; main character is Erikacha, same account)
Server: Mari
Anime: Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Character: Domon Kasshu
Server: Mari
Anime: High-school of the Dead
Character: Nurse Marikawa
IGN: Fayekaiba
Server: Mari
Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Character: Seto Kaiba (Season 5, KC GrandChampionShip + Dawn of the Duel Outfit)
**note Spoiler images are there because the reference images were too big, Seto only used the jet pack as an entrance for once scene. The cosplay is suppose to be his White Business Suit**
Note - My ice dragon, support dragon and Fiancee (transformed into the White Dragon) represents Seto Kaiba's famed and prized blue eyes white dragons. The Rebis guard cylinder is suppose to be a duel disk. (White Metal doesn't show up to well)
I added in white sprite wings as an added touch. For those who know the Lore, A girl from ancient Egypt processed the Spirit of the White-Dragon and was a love interest of Priest Seth, Which is Seto Kaiba's past self.
IGN: Mamui
Server: Mari
Anime: Vocaloid
Character: Kamui Gakupo
IGN: Hikura4
Server: Mari
Anime: Akame Ga Kill!
Character: Esdeath
IGN: Luckysstar
Server: Tarlach
Anime: Layton's Mystery Detective Agency
Character: Katrielle Layton
IGN: Nevine
Server: Mari
Anime: Rosario + Vampire
Character: Kurumu
i know the contest says to dress up your Mabi character as an anime character but i decided to do the opposite and dress as my Mabi character instead! really wish i could of gone to expo again this year 3:
IGN: Crazytim7
Server: Alexina
Anime: Mabinogi is the best anime!
Character: CrazyTim7
even if i dont qualify for the contest im glad to participate anyway ^)^7''
IGN: Draech
Server: Ruairi
Anime: One Piece
Cosplaying as: Roronoa Zoro
Luke, Nepalem, Milklatte helped thank you
Anime:Ancient Magus Bride
Characters:Elias Chise and Ruth
IGN: pockygal
Server: Alexina
Anime: Maoyu
Character: Mao "Demon King"
IGN: Berryswirl
Server: Ruairi
Anime: Shugo Chara
Character: Amu
In-Game Name: Kymiraa
Server: Alexina
Anime: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Character: "Olivier Mira Armstrong"
IGN: vampireknigh
Server: Mari
Anime Attack On Titan; Season 1
Character: Petra
I wanted to show some love for the best girl of this show who only had a few air time moments :^(
Im not sorry for doing her death scene 8D!!!!IGN:Aixkat
Server: Mari
Anime: Noragami Aragoto
Character: Kofuku "Kofuku Ebisu" (with Daikoku in fan form
I really love Noragami and all of its characters but Kofuku is one of my favorites because of her personality and she is the God of fortune!(not really she is of misfortune/poverty but she's trying and looks so cute while doing so!).
IGN: Tamaon
Server: Alexina
Anime: Durarara
Character: Celty
IGN: Taffycat
Server: Alexina
Anime: One Punch Man
Character: Saitama