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Closed [SUBMISSIONS] Anime Cosplay Screenshot Contest
IGN: Dianusia
Server: Alexina
Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character: Madoka Kaname
All the images used without it being cropped and spliced together
EDITED @ 7/9/2018
Weapon Reference
Dante's Outfits through out the game series
EDITED @ 7/9/2018
Surprise~ It's Mabinogi "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series!"
IGN: Evadoll
Server: Alexina
Anime: Devil May Cry Anime (Devil May Cry Franchise)
Character: Dante (Gender-Bent!)
Help from Fionagrace>:U
Anime:Tokyo Ghoul
IGN: Erdin
Server: Ruairi
Anime: One Punch Man
Character: Genos
Proof of Original Capture:
Server: Mari
Cosplay: Nakiri Erina aka 'God Tongue' (in her chef uniform)
Anime: Shokugeki No Soma (Food Wars!)
more pics:
"How dare you present that paltry dish in the presence of the God Tongue?"
IGN: Alphalpha
Server: Tarlach
Anime: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Character: Kanna, Kamui
(At the break of dawn with my lovely pink assistant assessing data on some wild *ahem* "pokemon" 8D)
IGN: Injoon
Server: Ruairi
Anime: Pokemon (Yes. Pokemon is an anime ww)
Character: Nurse Joy/Joy-san
IGN: Eviction
Server: Tarlach
Game: Nier Automata
Character: 2B
IGN: Bigyum
Server: Mari
Anime: Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School
Character: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
IGN: Trishywishy
Server: Tarlach
Anime: FLCL
Character: Haruharu Haruko
IGN: Alynnia80 (Main) Hestiasama (Cosplayer/Alt)
Server: Alexina
Anime: DanMachi
Character: Hestia
Wish there were gloves I could use for her q~q
IGN: Gingham
Server: Alexina
Anime: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
Character: Jotaro Kujo
ah good ol' jojo cosplays~
IGN: Serawaifu
Server: Ruari
Anime: MMO Junkie
Character: Moriko
Those are the references
-removed- Modded images are not allowed.
ING: Mamidesu
Server: Alexina
Anime: Darling in the Franxx
Characters: 02, Zero-two and 016, Hiro
IGN: Aarkos
Server: Tarlach
Anime: Shokugeki no Soma
Character: Gin Dojima
IGN: Jarirae13
Anime:Violet Evergarden
Character:Violet Evergarden
Bonus!: Violet in episode 1!
Anime: Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World
IGN: Hawkleaf
Server: Tarlach
Anime: Psycho Pass
Character: Mika Shimotsuki
Top picture is Mika in Season One, bottom one is Mika at the end of Season One.
Anime:Seven deadly sins
I used my Giant Alt.
IGN: Royal
Server: Tarlach
Anime: Persona 5 The Animation
Character: Goro Akechi
The female version