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Front With Wings:https://imgur.com/NTSPl7K
Front without Wings: https://imgur.com/ZNUo6Ji
A little overdue QQ sorry 'bout that... here's your freebun~ hope you like it ;w;
here's a quick preview!
also accepting five (5) more freebie requests! may vary from sketch to full colored work ^^
Also how have you been lately mu?
Doin okay
I've been alright just been doing those daily quests and such.
Started on @DANNYdani's OC ^^
here's a quick preview
looks cute as always c:
Putting this here since eh... technically we have him in-game ahaha
And if you do fanart of Mabinogi NPCs |・∀・)Here is a recent artwork of mine:
Hello hello~ that would be awesome! (if you don't mind waiting a bit though,) I'm just finishing some more requests before I take in an art trade but I'd love to!
Let me know if that would okay and I'll message you once I'm clear? ^0^)/
(ノ▽〃) Thank you! And of course I don't mind! Whenever you are clear and ready, just send a message my way!
I... I had too much fun with this ahaha I ended up making 2 versions >w<
So for your OC, I decided on using blue as her hair color! I always think there's something majestic about elf characters owo I didn't change her clothes because I think it's good as it is... she ended up looking soft ; v; so here she is! I hope you like it~
When you mentioned she's an elf demon though, and that she has a little evil inside of her during the full moons, I thought about all that majestic aura just shedding.... and then she'd be under the Moon's influence alfjaj idk hahaha I came up with something completely opposite I guess?
I hope you like these @DANNYdani! Thanks for letting me draw your OC *U*
I... I had too much fun with this ahaha I ended up making 2 versions >w<
So for your OC, I decided on using blue as her hair color! I always think there's something majestic about elf characters owo I didn't change her clothes because I think it's good as it is... she ended up looking soft ; v; so here she is! I hope you like it~
When you mentioned she's an elf demon though, and that she has a little evil inside of her during the full moons, I thought about all that majestic aura just shedding.... and then she'd be under the Moon's influence alfjaj idk hahaha I came up with something completely opposite I guess?
I hope you like these @DANNYdani! Thanks for letting me draw your OC *U*
I'm glad you liked her, and *cough, cough* /Our OC/ *cough, cough*
She's absoluely beautiful. Well done(:
Sorry it took a while! Here's your dingi~
(went a little crazy here since i've been camping on the beach lol
Just gnna share these bunch that got me busy for a while ^^ (not mabi-related but still~)