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Falias Fragment is getting to be impossible to get
Everyone is afk these days and no one is running commerce for bandit leaders to appear. It is litterally impossible to get a fragment these days on Mari. Please rework the quests or add a method to gain a fragment. My suggestion is instead of trading the item to a player you can use the item on the player if you find them. Another solution is changing it from players to NPC targets.
This is getting a bit ridiculous.

Getting the fragment from the Bandit's Homestead reward is also nearly impossible because everybody is too strong to get robbed by bandits and there aren't a lot of players commercing anymore so there is hardly anyone on the Wanted Board anymore.
It could be changed to be like the Library PTJ.
But instead of running from Stewart to... say... Tracy to get a book back, you'd be going from Keith to someone to deliver a package.
There's just a number of reasons the PTJ is a hassle.
Between getting a player who's AFK or otherwise unavailable, or getting someone who never heard of the PTJ and is unflinchingly skeptical of some total stranger asking to meet them to give them a package, to someone just not wanting to help someone complete the PTJ, it's just bad all around.
Please change it to either allow us to just mail the package to people and complete it or even better, run it to NPCs.
(I'm also from Mari and can confirm that everyone and their grandmother afks)