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Can we not immediately scream for nerfs?
I only got to try it twice but the first time I did it pretty fast and managed to avoid getting Spiked. I basically used the teleport as soon as I saw the text notification pop up on screen.
The second time I did it a bit late and I got Spiked and died to Judgement Blades after, but I noticed the animation had started up at this point where as the first time I did it before the animation for the Boss Spiking even started to come out.
So maybe besides trying to sluggishly Blade the Boss when he Spikes, it might be easier to just dodge it asap using the trans teleport.
It's the move that seals the use of your Crusader skills for a period of time.
It looks like Celestial Spikes go into your character, but it doesn't actually hurt you like Celestial Spike does.
Will figure it out I guess. Day 3 of attempting it almost all day. GO!!!
Edit: Yikes.....found out i'm doing 100-200 dmg unless I crit then its like 500-600. QQ almost had it ...he had 52% hp left. Sooo close. *poke his life to death*
I wouldn't mind that being nerfed- i think if you made it all the way to g21 finishing all ur generational quests you have what it takes to defeat this particular boss.
I play a elf so i couldn't FH it...i couldn't fh anything...i think everyone skillsets will outweigh the outcome of each battle in the g21 mission.
I think it should be nerfed a lil bit on the healing... considering every skillset should be able to have a go, and i dont think every skillset gonna be able to achieve the win with similar advantages.
i didnt have any issues with the final boss... the ONLY issue was it does k-O damage with 1 skill, so you will need to revive yourself. if the boss negates your shield of trust(for me it was like a 25% chance), it results in a K-O.... i only had to use 1 balloon.
(i dont like relying on revives, this was the only boss i had to/forced to)
I really don't think every skillset should have an equal chance, maybe if we were locked to a single class but since we aren't...
Mag spam is king of single target but can't match chain sweep or fireball for room clearing, things like that set the game apart since we aren't restricted to one skillset.
I think rA is good enough.
Regarding the dialogue when Talvish is still hitting you after you hit the 30% mark: You can use potions still with hotkeys... if you still have any that is.
1) When the boss says: "I'm sorry" he will use the 1 shot kill skill
2) When he starts talking about the prophecy: "Let me show you the prophecy" (or something like that) he will use the crusader lock skill
3) The crusader lock skill has a set range so running away from it is a good way of avoiding it
4) If by some chance you get hit by the crusader lock skill, run away as far as you can and use skills to drop aggro, he never uses the instant kill move if you are very far away
5) I don't know if this is super accurate but at least for me, while i was constantly normal hitting him with dual swords, he never used the crusader lock skill
6) 1 more thing i used to do was use hydra on him right after defending the instant kill move since it does extra damage while i can move around
Hope this helps anyone
As for the doppelganger, i don't have any advice since i will be honest with you guys, i brute forced that fight with FH, MP shield, and demigod but what i could suggest is using morrighan demigod to constantly hit him
But it shouldn't be so blatantly unfair either.
Bosses one-shotting you is artificial difficulty and a lazy way for developers to make a challenge for the player. Couple that with the unresponsiveness of the game and it's just a nightmare.
I'll admit that I'm one of those players that does the storyline quests, quits, and then comes back the next time the game updates. I was a beta tester and I have 6k levels and 7 master talents, but the last couple of generation boss fights have felt like piles of bullshit. Everything one shots you, I have to constantly summon pets just to get out of some stupid AoE attack or else I get hit because of slow human running speed and it feels like there's no way to counter it unless you're spending a ton of money on getting godly gear.
Storyline quests should be accessible to everyone that plays a game. This does not feel accessible by any stretch of the imagination. I happened to have a nice stash of Nao stones on my account from the last time I played, and I spent 21 on Tagar. Twenty one! And a good portion of those were spent because the damn game doesn't do what I tell it to. How many times do I have to press R to jump on a damn mount?
It just feels like a cheap money grab.
I hope I have said my piece without offending anybody, and if it has in some way, then i apologize as it was not my intention. good luck to all of you facing the challenges ahead.
TAGAR: Was really hard at first, I was just trying to smack it dead but then I realized it's AI was like the grim reaper boss from the Cave of Trials (many, many days spent fighting that for event coins), and theater mission reaper. So I realized that I could make use of iframes to bypass the slicy windmill of death thing. I only used two pillars, the rest didn't get a red circle for me, so I essentially just used chain slasher skills on it, and every time it went underground, I would use chain sweep, taking no damage. I died a lot until I realized I could do that. Then it was a piece of cake, and also my favorite boss fight.
GOLEM THINGY: Didn't actually realize this was a boss, sorry... I'm an elf, I just Hide myself to the orb, nuf said.
DOPPLEGANGER: a complete hating loath for this sponge cake of a beast. I spent so many days trying to beat it, and in the end had to use a guildie's better equipment set just to finally kill it with magnum spam + cloud pet sacrifices. Even then I ran out of time when it was at 15-20% health. The regeneration is way too fast, I wouldn't mind the tankiness of it if it didn't regen 1% like, every two seconds. That's as long as it takes me to even load magnum, let alone shoot it. (Previous attempts included bashing to death, chain whipping to death, and puppeteering to death. All master talents. Chain worked best but I never got below 80%)
TALVISH: Still working on this... It's only day 1 of me attempting but I've hit 70% at most, so far. Will get back to this. xD;
I like the bosses in that they require some strategy (aside from sponge dopple) but nerfing would be nice. Like... lack of instant death skills, and slower regen. Regen could still be a thing just not so intense maybe ~
• obligate infinite transformation time(unless you get into combat)
• Can gather things from props without it counting as combat
• Appearance options
• Jiggle(on idle AND in combat)
• Can talk to NPCs and enter buildings
I'd say it's well worth the insane EverQuest style "You'd better WORK for this reward" reputation.
Also, I have nothing happy or supportive to say about the Cichol doppelganger fight. Our character was total 8000 and it took almost the entire timelimit even with finalhit.
In hindsight though, this was before the wiki update, so it was just ::kill copycats:: ::hurt the boss::. We didn't use switches because we didn't know about them
Stop quoting outdated versions, people . .
The New Divinity's +5% experience is turning out to be a godsend, so there's that.
On saturday I went from crusader 35-44, weekend 2x, pot 2x, robes 10%, titles 5% I got over 20k exp. This is insane it's skipping actual months worth of exp.