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Post your favourite plot hole
Also to prevent further botting on commerce.
I've always disliked the changing of moongates to be used anytime anywhere.
It defeats the purpose of travelling and enjoying the scenery and environment of the game.
Originally moongates could only be used at night and 1 city per night.
Right now, there are too many moongates and people just get lazier and lazier until their weight spills over into the ocean. (No offense intended)
I said Lore Reasons. As in...the in-universe explanation? Hence, plot holes. I of course think gameplay mechanics have to take precedence, but that doesn't mean they cannot be retconned in or explained. Just saying.
This makes no sense, lore wise.
I'm not sure if the commerce tutorial says anything about it. Perhaps it is possible to link it to G15 as well.
But it's not hard to come up with your own reason for lore of being unable to use them.
Have you ever seen a Fomor use a moongate? Obviously products handled by the commerce fomors are tainted by them somehow, seeing as it's likely fomor have a weird relation to magic and mana compared to the natives of Iria who have always existed under the moon of Ladeca. It's why the commerce fomors only have very specific selections avalible to trade- if they diversified then suddenly a lot of people would find themselves unable to use moongates anymore. Essentially, you're doing the legwork for the fomor.
Alternate reason: The fomors explicitly made it so you can't use moongates while trading their goods. After all, if their products could be traded to anywhere instantly via a moongate, then there would be no economy! No economy, no demand, no money for the fomors. Having to manually move them between each town creates a cycle of supply and demand.
Alternate alternate reason: They're working with the bandits. Peaceful fomor get to work with humans for whatever reason they want to, fomor that like to kill things get to mess around with the commerce people by joining up with the bandits. It's like a big fun game, and they even have monopoly money (ducats) for you to play with!
Actual reason: /shrug
also, remember to not hold your breath as you go through the moongate
I like your ideas lol
But what about the human/giant bandits?
If we assume this to be true, then the reason why we can't use moongates while transporting goods is simpler than everyone thinks:
We're "escorted" by an imp, remember? The chatty fella on the top left corner. He can't come through the moon gate with us.
@Leilicia Once upon a memory tower.
Dun dun dun
This is what I'd like to know more about. There are obviously other continents that can be discovered.
though i would appreciate if Nexon/DevCat worked on fixing up Iria first.
no music, empty looking places..
I always liked the little guy. IDK why people find him annoying.
It could just be that the Moongates actually have a mass limit for a trip. Though it wouldn't really explain how it can transport a giant and not a 10-year old with a backpack of fomor goods, it does explain why massive transports like the Wagon and Elephant can't pass with their goods.
There is a lore reason for why the moongates can suddenly be active at day and be used like the mana tunnels. They explained that Professor J and Merlin modified them with that exact function. If you look at old mana tunnel images, they don't have the pillars with the mini Moons around them, so presumably they were added in to make them function during the day and modified using the same magic that lets the tunnels access other tunnels. Though this doesn't explain how these "new" moon gates with the modifications appear in ancient locations like Avalon. That part is laziness.
Yet Pets still use the old Moon Gates, where they're only active at night and only go to one location per night. And newer Moon Gates, like the current one at Alby Dungeon and Reighinalt, don't work at all.
Or why they're in Avalon at all... I'd imagine they were installed post-gate unlocking.
There could have been new lore books sold and bookstores, but there hardly isn't.
The difficulties of keeping players progressing the storyline while others are ahead or behind creates these issues.
P.S. i havent done g20 so I dont know if they solve ruairi's plot holes in g20
Nah, they left the giant gaping plot hole of Ruairi in the sky. So yes, Ruairi is still screwing us over even from beyond the grave.