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I randomly came on to check forums, and felt small raiding nostalgia.
Although, I could have sworn this was already done a long time ago(Alexina), and I would have already hazarded it would have happened quite some time ago in Ruairi. Is it reall…
Dude remember when the mission points event was first launched this year? There was a server (Tarlach) specific bug that occurred where players could exploit the event for infinite points. That's why they need to know which server.
His entire point …
i honestly wouldn't mind them doing the FMA crossover that japan got. i mean square enix and the writer of FMA gave nexon jp the green light to do so. and SE and the writer own rights to the title. and if they say yes then nexon na should be allowed…
It seems... I never got around to this thread?
andrewngn13 of Alexina, been playing since... since Sharp Mind was a thing.
I'm not really active anymore, though I sometimes login just to see what changes have happen.
We don't particularly have a large database of meme-makers. And when they do make memes 50% of them are Ferghus, 49% is something broken in-game, and the remaining 1% relates to something else.