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I wish I had encouraging feed back about the ptj update ...but I & others flat out find it a mess & worse x.x
ptjs got gutted. not only do you have to fight with the ptjs new interface, you have to fight with the fact that
some of the ptjs…
Draech wrote: »
Greta wrote: »
Photoshop? Well crap, my laptop is too old for this...
Or you could go the old-fashioned way: print the template, print your screenshot, do a little arts & crafts, and scan it.
.... I might just do that n…
Leinei wrote: »
Starthepurple1 wrote: »
Uh in the Quest "Face to Face" I'm in the mission fighting myself.
But they keep healing and for some unknown reason I cant get anywhere
in the fight. I was in the fight for 30mins and just gave up - wa…
Uh in the Quest "Face to Face" I'm in the mission fighting myself.
But they keep healing and for some unknown reason I cant get anywhere
in the fight. I was in the fight for 30mins and just gave up - was geting a headache
from it- Does anyone ha…
Ohk well for those who are missing the Alban bag heres something to try
Talk the the armored caravan joe- the one at the far end of Dunbarton square
and select your character as main character. After that is done re-log or Channal change
this sho…
I finished all of Part 1 for G21. But no Alban Knights Bag coupon for me....
is it a "chance" of getting it or did it just fail to appear for me?
I tried to send in a note to Nexon but ...... that was a total mess.
I finished all of Part 1 for G21. But no Alban Knights Bag coupon for me....
is it a "chance" of getting it or did it just fail to appear for me?
I tried to send in a note to Nexon but ...... that was a total mess.