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- Cai/Leymore/Dorren Outfits and Shoes
- Eluned Alchemist Sets
- Romantic Straw Hat
- Rubber Goggles
- Trudy Vintage Turban
- Headphones
- The floor enchants (35th/48th/56th/67th/etc) from the SAO crossover, but with different names to avoid…
Oh, I have a tip for the enemy spawns. If you look closely at the crystals, you'll see an elemental bolt floating around them (ice, fire, lightning) that indicates the enemy element that will spawn. This will let you avoid getting lightning sprites …
I passed my test to get dan 1 combat mastery. I have fulfilled all of the requirements, but the game won't let me rank up the skill.
Before the maintenance, I had fulfilled the requirements for Dan 1 combat mastery before, but didn't rank up the …
I agree with the changes, especially the fourth one. All of the magic skills have the same exact test, but some skills are better suited for it.
The magic test is easy for fireball, but extremely difficult for lightning rod. Here are some reasons…
Agreed. I have R1 in all crafting skills, but it was because I farmed training seals during last year's mission point event.
When people feel like they need things like seals, training pots, tens of hours of farming, etc. to rank up a skill, that…
At higher Dan ranks, you have the pass the test multiple times to advance the skill. For Dan 2, you have the pass twice with a ranking of S. Dan 3 also requirements passing twice, but with different requirements (I don't know what those are at this …
The most popular combat in the US server is basically the same as what you mentioned as popular in KR.
People here either dual wield Celtic Royal Knight Swords (R upgrade) and use bash and final hit and/or use a Tribolt S upgrade/Spirit Fire Wand…