Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
April 13, 2000
About Me
Eternally Lurking


  • Time to lose the name I got unblacklisted from the name system after a few days worth of tickets... This happened sooner than I expected though
  • Helsa wrote: » Sherri wrote: » as long as Nao doesnt have forced name changes.. Hopefully, it won't come to that. Nexon was made aware of the problem by the merge. Nexon can see for themselves that isolating Alexina was a mistake. It's bee…
  • Helsa wrote: » The present situation shows that most of the population of Alexina was folks that had migrated from the old three servers and that they have gone back. So, it stands to reason that most of the folks doing the gloating were the same…
  • Cho wrote: » This is cringe. Server merge did nothing but cause problems. Names were stolen, pet names still have that ugly +server tag, girg raids are still empty. It took 2 whole years for them to let us to block bugle spam. Do you just mi…
  • I made an alt character on Nao just to see what it was like. The moment I saw more than two shops by the Dunbarton moongate was the moment I knew they had it better than us. Might be a bit weird but it had me feeling some sort of way like when I fir…
  • Can that new book be repaired, or what? Usually they say whether or not they can be in the description. Kinda crummy if it can't be.
  • Late to the party but just merge the servers already, I'm tired of these back and forth debates. Y'all will eventually find something else to complain about after it happens anyway.
  • Crimsọn wrote: » Sebastian wrote: » Doesn't help that their Instagram story directly replied to a comment about the merge recently with sarcasm that implied they were ignoring it. Oof, implied from them? Wow. Mind noting me that? Will lo…
  • Doesn't help that their Instagram story directly replied to a comment about the merge recently with sarcasm that implied they were ignoring it.
  • Crims wrote: » Definitely would like a gun revamp. Absolutely. I have a really nice pair of guns just collecting dust because it simply doesn't compare with other talents, which is a shame.
  • [Comment removed by moderator: Thread derailment]
  • Crims wrote: » Comment removed by moderator That quote never was and never will be that big of a deal. Y'all just like drama.
  • Dradgas wrote: » I can only speak as someone from the states so the values might change from country to country. But I personally don't really see a graphical update for Mabinogi being a bad idea at all, we even have PSO2 recently that seems to be…
  • Man, Imagine if Mabi actually looked like it did in its trailers.
  • Curious as to whether this is a one-and-done sorta overhaul, or if this will extend to some other aspects of the game. Could definitely use this in several different areas, but this really comes off as just special treatment to these specific instan…
  • Crims wrote: » They have been getting stricter or they are being heavily restricted from replacing items by the higher ups for some rea$on.
  • Helsa wrote: » By "slap everyone together" did you mean in 2019 or 2008? I want to know Nexon's thinking in both cases. I meant the merge, where they decided to leave Alexina on the bench. Don't know much about what 2008 could be referring to,…
  • To be honest, and I know it's selfish, but I had to fight a very long battle for the name I have now and if all that was for naught I might just go insane, and all because they didn't just slap everyone together the first time (and created a signifi…
  • Crims wrote: » Yeah well my concerns are about covid and how it's impacting revenue for this game. Has anyone stopped to think about that? They have been really quiet. When have they not been quiet? It's Nexon. Also people are still eating u…