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Crimsọn wrote: »
A character that doesn't exist, (yet). Perhaps deity known as Arianrhod - but Nao sorta takes on that role in the cycle of life and rebirth. But she is depicted as living in the north surrounded by the sea.
Is that a hypothesis…
Bring back Morgant too, Morgant wasn't Lugh, he was simply pretending to be Lugh while Lugh was trapped in Avon for all those years, even wielding his sword. It was all to manipulate ruairi (and probably others like mores, etc)
He was far too imp…
Squee wrote: »
Unfortunately they've changed the game to cater towards all the people who are like level 20k or something because they can't get enough new players. So unless you're able to level up and get what you need from certain skillsets (at…
I mean I don't really see it much, but are you surprised? This is a weeb game, I cosplay and like anime and everything, but most of our ilk are weird incel introverts who don't know how to interact with people past middle school mentality.
Skyahri wrote: »
Higa wrote: »
Skyahri wrote: »
They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.
Then give us advancement badges but only take the ability away to do another test if you do we…
Greta wrote: »
Boohoo. I failed danning few skills, had a rage during it and guess what i decided? You won't believe what i did, but... I just stopped doing them. Bam, problem solved.
If it was "too hard", that'd be one thing, but it's literall…
This is cancer, if I don't beat this after a few more tries, I'm literally quitting this trash game, and I've been here since 08.
I'm being punished for not failing, this is cancer. A few days ago I was literally over 30 sec…
That doesn't really excuse the fact that you can retake the test if you fail or leave early (which should stay), but you are punished for getting just shy of the score that actually is useful.
Skyahri wrote: »
They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.
Then give us advancement badges but only take the ability away to do another test if you do well enough.
Yet again i've failed to get the S rank needed, 300 points off because I got spammed by aggro I couldn't do anything about in the last 30 seconds. If this wasn't a thing, I'd be able to retake the test today, but I've wasted a total of TWO days, jus…
I recall Mabinogi 2 being like a diablo like game, vastly different than vindictus. Also just outright, vindictus was out already before mabinogi 2 was being thrown around as a game idea.
Leinei wrote: »
In regard to NPCs like Nuadha, I think it would be nice if their transformations were rewards from having completed their Generation content. So, since someone has completed Saga 2 (horribly annoying), Dian would be a received tra…
But honestly, why are Dark Lord and Morgant separate transformations, yet Dian isn't one? She's her own character separate from her spoiler related character. She also looks quite different, she was a damn boss.
Leinei wrote: »
@Amelina According to Wikipedia, there are actually several Machas in Irish Mythos. In one story in particular there is a Macha who takes over as Cruinniuc's wife after his first wife died. Macha gave a stipulation that she would…
Tsumuku wrote: »
Perhaps they are charging so that they can provide a higher level of care for the normal people within Mabi. In 416 years (1 week being a year, and roughly 8 real life years of aging) I have yet to see any of the NPCs age in a not…
So much for celtic mythology.
There should honestly be a spear class or something way before something like a ninja or gunner class, let alone a person who throws cards around.