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lidiya wrote: »
FayeKaiba wrote: »
"Oh no, I need to click a button 5 times a day. this is so tedious!! Even though grabbing stuff in the event shop is worth it but it's just too tedddiooouussss"
Glad the only thing you got going in your …
I mean I play the game alone to. Probably the joy I have in this game is fashion, collecting weapon/armor, and ranking skill to rank , everything else is just extra. That and I'm social phobia so I hide offline 24/7, that's just how I play the game.…
Can anyone confirm whether the skill training seal is bank tradeable or not? I don't want to waste hours on alt if it it's not o3o
yes, just transfer seal from my elf to my human.
edit: so does that mean I can get coupon and stuff on my alts to? Won…
hmmm I don't know about that, but the reason I didn't bother doing them is because of the trashy rewards. If they had better reward, I would've done them.
I like Mabinogi Halloween theme or login screen and I think it's call "complete silence"? Or something, heard it in musical math dungeon think it's from g19 or g20 don't know.