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Nevermind, i figured out my problem. I needed to turn off 'repeat playing insturment', and now i'm finally getting ticks for playing music skills. *sighs* How aggravating. Thank you for your help fairyvoice
Fairyvoice wrote: »
Terek wrote: »
i've been having a problem with this. Seems no matter what music skill i use, it's not counting at all towards the quest progress. Even when i use the music skill in tandem with something else. I'm rather confu…
i've been having a problem with this. Seems no matter what music skill i use, it's not counting at all towards the quest progress. Even when i use the music skill in tandem with something else. I'm rather confused. Is this a bug, or am i doing somet…
guess i need to get myself to lvl 200 then. I tend to rebirth myself before then, it's not always easy for me to get to 200. Was much easier when i could get elite Baltane 'nowhere to run' mission. Guess i'll just have to work at harder mode dungeo…
well, nice to know it does drop. The need for it is more from the desire to train Fynn Sync, because it's not like it's any easier getting a 'great success', which is also needed for training it. Thanks for letting me know that it does indeed drop
I'd love to have solo-able Tech missions. I can't clear any of them, and i've been around awhile. Could never really do any of those Memory dungeon missions either, the one's near that bard camp? I know the basic strats and stuff to survive, but man…
BanazaiSabre wrote: »
wanna talk about an impossible dan 3? healing. its comically terrible because little hen beats bear in fight, many times. at least with shooting rush and chain skills you could argue human error, but when little chick beats …
I'd like to also add i find the Chain Slash Spinning Slasher dan 2 test nearly impossible as well, cause you get aggro-ed so aggressivly sometimes you can't even get back up!
I think it would be a serious help to start adding Crisis Escape as a s…