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There's always been once a week pots, as there's always been once a day pots. It varies, as there are different variants of Forgetful Potions. And the wiki isn't always the best source of information - even item descriptions can be misleading, thoug…
Crimsọn wrote: »
Keiyoma wrote: »
Helsa wrote: »
Crimsọn wrote: »
Thank god I am not the oldest player.
You're still just as close to your inevitable day of destiny, with or without that knowledge.
She's saying it's time to die, grandp…
Helsa wrote: »
Crimsọn wrote: »
Thank god I am not the oldest player.
You're still just as close to your inevitable day of destiny, with or without that knowledge.
She's saying it's time to die, grandpa. Now it is our time to exist solely …
Right after the second pet update, the glitched basket, assuming you had one, could be used again, and you'd get a second Fynni Fynn pet. For example, my original was Fynni Fynn+Keiyoma, but after using the basket after the update came out, I receiv…
If people can get weapons restored from accidentally stone upping the wrong weapon or the like, I'm sure there's the chance to have your pet restored. Take this as a lesson though, you shouldn't just skip through dialogue because you don't want to r…
Sphyra21 wrote: »
(some ppl might be shocked that I am askin' 'bout somethin' HS related lol)
Do you get the construction kit back if you remove the house? I always wondered this but did not want to risk losin' my Wisteria House testin' it.
It'd be neat if they functioned like skins instead, and after getting one, we could simply cycle through them whenever. Maybe a hour or so 'rebuild' time, but still have access to any of those we've used.
Streamline the cashshop to be an actual part of the game - not opening up a separate client to shop through. Like the Auction House - give me a little window where I can buy the consumables, gachas and etc. in game, and receive them immediately.
Crims wrote: »
Калашников wrote: »
Resetting during maintenance or some kind of cycle would maybe work. Commerce used to be fun and then it tanked permanently. Of course, the best counter to bots is to spend real $$. The items required to profit…
Nemesis wrote: »
Then don't commerce.
What is the issue here?
You don't like it? Don't do it. No one is making you do anything.
The forums would be a desolate place without the blessing of insightful souls like yourself.
Helsa wrote: »
Considering that there are now better ways to earn experience and make gold than commerce, I think it's reasonable to make the prices fall and recover in a more enticing manner.
Maybe someone can confirm this but isn't it the cas…
noobodyzxz wrote: »
Keiyoma wrote: »
Don't you just hate it when you accidentally misplace your entire place of residence? Tricky homes, I swear I was clicking on a tree!
holy wood sheets! how did u know I was removing a tree
Because it …
Nowhere to Run Elite, as Greta said. The only hiccup really is getting a pass, but even then that's not really all that difficult. Divine Link and Combat EXP Pot, and your pet will level exceptionally fast. The level 150 limit is not an issue - you …