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The whole point of systems like these is to remove gold from the game to slow down inflation. If you just put that gold back into the game then the economy would be inflated a lot faster than it already is. People complain all the time about why eve…
Higa wrote: »
Skyahri wrote: »
They actually do matter because they also determine the amount of advancement badges you receive.
Then give us advancement badges but only take the ability away to do another test if you do well enough.
I'm so glad they care enough about text issues to address it but don't care enough about channels crashing constantly making the game unplayable. Little do they know the text in the game doesn't matter if you can't stay logged in long enough to read…
The reason the rates are like this now is because people needed level 7 to break the new Tory Ravine Seal Stone for G24. Will the prices ever recover? I don't know.
It should say you have 1 free name change available for each character you have with a server tag, in fact I still have 2. Is that not the case for you? https://gyazo.com/d9b0175dde48674c2a38e78f1840b6b7 If you have a free one, I think you should ju…
I think the name change process for this game is a lot more complicated than people think because of how it was coded in the past. It isn't like other games where you can just change it and be done with it. I think in Mabinogi your name is like tied…
Even if you can't get all the rewards you still get a lot of free stuff for doing basically nothing. If you can't get all the rewards for whatever reason it is unfortunate but it is still free stuff so I don't really see a point in complaining, also…
You can't be in a guild when you request a name change. You must leave the guild until they finish changing your name during the next scheduled maintenance.
People just like to whine about everything. People whine because it is gacha exclusive, they do an event to let you get it in game without paying, people still whine, people are never happy zzz. I for one complained about stuff like saint guardian a…