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AlexLight wrote: »
I indeed use it with chaincasting, so how notable is the dmg increase?
At Dan 3 it's quite literally 6 more max damage - So however much more damage at max stacks it is for 3 more mana.. And, y'know, however much more mana it…
iMattxC wrote: »
Pan wrote: »
Elves are literally the best race in the game.
Are you forgetting dual guns which don't miss, do twice as much damage, and hold more shots in a smaller space?
Did you forget they don't stun? Unless they critic…
Sphyra21 wrote: »
Hardmuscle wrote: »
"Elf Ranged Lag" is a mythical scapegoat popular among many who are unable to admit their computer is in need of service (preferably by someone who knows what they are doing). ~ What steps (aside from lookin…
TNinja wrote: »
SugarAngel wrote: »
Oria wrote: »
Well, I use to play an elf and mastered Mirage Missile. It was a rather fun skill to use when it came out at the time ^.^
I like how the skill's damage was hybrid of INT and DEX, but I wouldn'…
If you show proof of consistent harassment, and continually reporting them to Nexon, eventually it will lead to a permanent ban, especially since the other party has likely told them to stop, however, if both attack one another, it doesn't matter, y…
Nilrem wrote: »
Honestly, if there is one thing to be included, its that Rapier talent that never saw the light of day.
You can even see leftovers of it too, in the Saga storyline. Literally every elf in it uses Rapiers.
Having dex based melee…
Oria wrote: »
Well, I use to play an elf and mastered Mirage Missile. It was a rather fun skill to use when it came out at the time ^.^
I like how the skill's damage was hybrid of INT and DEX, but I wouldn't mind it if it was tweaked a little for…
While it is unfortunate, I appreciate that you found the update that occured about a year ago.
Meanwhile, you can counteract this by either ;
A. ) Having a Alpaca Pet, and creating a Wool Collection Pouch! ... http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/…
Unfortunately, I cannot like the Treasure Hunter like the rest of you, knowing that the Ace probably wasn't intended to be a Female Elf with darker skin, but... The fact that the design was thrown away.
It disgusts me, but he cute tho, I'll admit…
Iyasenu wrote: »
TNinja wrote: »
Didn't the Master PLan only give you out rental weapons?
The various 2x skill training, hot times, and other bonuses could also be counted under the Master Plan event.
If I think of it that way, then this…
In honesty, I would like to give the darker skin tones so that they aren't the only race left out.
However, one of the things to be buffed should be Magic Missile, as compared to a Giant's Full Swing, it has 600% damage multiplier at max rank wit…