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Iyasenu wrote: »
The main page over on the right has a Rua tracker.
She'll be going back to work in a little while.
I was using that. She still didn't show up when it said she would . - .
Welcome to Grindinogi. Happy to have you with us.
My suggestion would be to train anything CP based (CP = Combat Power / It goes up as you level)
The skill will say something like "Defeat a boss level enemy"
If you hold off on those kinds of …
Not to be nosey, but are you planning on doing a similar role for another game or something? Maybe we'd be interested in supporting you in your future endeavors as well
Alukina wrote: »
I'm a human btw so I don't care either way but it seems kinda weird to do one and not the other.
Why tf was my topic moved to a post?
Milkypocky wrote: »
perhaps elves will get a rework after the giant renewal
as an elf player, i hope so
I used to be an elf player too so for the sake of my former pointy-eared bretherin I also hope there is an elf rework. May Neamhain be with…
I think it's sad that 99% of us don't even know who our GM's are. You could argue that they're only really here to serve the purpose of monitoring the game, but seeing as how they are performing this job on behalf of our community, I would think tha…
I went human because I wanted to be a better gunner but I kinda regret that because honestly with elves having better magic and giants having better strength which one would actually be better ??? Idk fam you tell me ; - ;
PS: I believe gunner is…
Skaidrojumi wrote: »
Yeah seriously she has no lag at all!
Looks like she's using golden dowra, it's speed is "very fast". Same thing happens with my cross empire guns, I can shoot up someone 4-5 times before they reach me, it's awesome haha.
I got a little excited when the Meryl/Laighlinne partner (I forgot specifically what it's called) had a voice. I was like AAAA NEXON IS FINALLY DOING VOICE ACTING? But then I realized how far fetched that sounds and got sad because odds are they'd n…
I've reported this issue 4 times and every time I was told it's being worked on. It's been like 7 months since I've said anything and still not being fixed. This is the system log of me receiving the quest at random after changing channels. This…
it only takes a few ingame nights to get to 50 sketching arc lich if you sketch him on every channel every ingame night... and exploration mastery being r1 helps because you get a lot more exp per sketch. I've never really had any trouble when I act…
i usually get to like level 15-20 and stop.
Yeah I think I'll probably just stop at 30. Seems like a reasonable level. Anything after that is an arse pain.