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This could be neat. The main difference between Mabi MML and regular MIDI though is that the 'volume' variable seems to be 'channel volume', and not 'note velocity' from what I've gathered messing with it over the years. The pressure-sensitivity on …
Crimsọn wrote: »
I actually agree with Greta, this is overkill.
Now if they offer ONE BAG TO RULE THEM ALL and take over my entire screen with ONE bag. That would be something.
a bag that takes up a 9x10 space with a 1x1 capacity
Helsa wrote: »
Oh, I misunderstood; I thought you were talking about general stuff. At the moment, given the way gold pouches work, my guess is that a bag in VIP would act as an object. So, stuff could be stored in it but to access it after VIP …
Pip-Boy wrote: »
From my understanding this has less to do with laziness and more to do with the game originally being coded in spaghetti....
That's what happens when a punchy new dev team makes an engine from scratch! Though it's honestly real…
Helsa wrote: »
I think they do work that way now, except that any gold stored there is not included in the gold tally field on your inventory page.
You mean with the expiring bags in the general shops? Since we still can't exactly put bags into…
-Make NPCs in towns complain about a shortage of certain commerce goods
-have some towns get besieged by bandits making commerce goods more valuable in those towns
-have a commerce party system that makes bandit encounters harder/balanced for …
Mairu wrote: »
I really would like bag-friendly VIP storage to be a thing too. Honestly if you're worried about accessing/removing items from bags in VIP, I have a couple suggestions:
1. like normal VIP, the bags should act like a one-way bank…
PlatinaKoki wrote: »
At the VERY least, Paladins should get an Active Skill.
Whoever thought of making Paladin without an active skill ought to be hanged.
They probably didn't even have Dark Knights fully planned out when they released Palad…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
So something like higher quality ingredients increase the chance of producing higher quality final dishes/crafts?
Pretty much! The best bit about the idea is that you wouldn't even need to waste a ton of homestead space o…
Better idea:
Same sort of restrictions maybe - same reforge rank, same item type - but instead you use high-level blacksmithing/handicraft/tailoring/alchemy/whatever to do a horrifying fusion of one item into another, using some high-cost materials…
Paladins, Dark Knights, Beast, and Falcon shouldn't so much get buffs on their own, but be affected by other transformations or get talent-specific buffs to make them much more useful when using chosen talents or weapons (bundle with active talent b…
Another thing to note, which I learned the hard way: The Warm Energy only drops *once* per day. So if you fail to open the chest in the first shadow mission you do, you won't get another chance next SM. If you open the chest but fail to pick it up, …
Greta wrote: »
Mairu wrote: »
Crims wrote: »
Sherri wrote: »
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
If someone won 100 mil and never said anything, did they really win it?
if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?
Crims wrote: »
Sherri wrote: »
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
If someone won 100 mil and never said anything, did they really win it?
if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?
Yes, it's just no one was around…
Good job, everyone. 10/10, totally focused, on-topic, helpful - lovely balls of sunshine, the lot of you. -_-
To sum things up: There are a lot of people who are salty and finding new and exciting places to complain in, and there are a lot of peo…
The game is still worth a spin, and the community is still pretty welcoming in my experience.
If you're looking for other players, there's an official Discord server floating around. Otherwise the forums and even in-game you'll usually find peopl…
One more day after today! 0% win chance so far, and if I win anything tomorrow then I'm gonna probably scream. At this point it'd feel much better to know it was broken than it having like a .00001% chance to pay out. lol