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Can we actually use Likeability pots on them, or do they have favourite items? Can we, say, level up their friendliness with us like normal NPCs? It's high time I finally get my chance and forever marry befriend Ruairí, I've been nagging him ever si…
When I just drop stuff I don't want others to try and pick for whatever odd reason (stuff that may look like it can be picked but actually isn't) I just drop them in my HS, it takes me exactly a single second to go there... What use it is to shame o…
Thankfully it's only a typo, all pages can be collected regadless. None of them are actually missing, just one of them is mislabeled. I got my unicorn yesterday without a problem.
Aura Kingdom is sort of where Mabi should be heading towards from an aestethic stanandpoint imho, I mean the similarities are there, only AO looks more, uh, palatable. Less clipping and more graceful.
But anyways.
As for dancing, how about a t…
If it is a ddos, I wonder if this is the retaliation of the reforge/gold sellers because of yesterday's announcement on trade restrictions on new accounts.
But of course maybe the crash is just because of the new gach lol