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Arjune wrote: »
lol this is so true........ also the cooking missions he asks you to make him dinner, and the handicraft missions he wants firewood to fuel his fireplace. he has you do all his chores then makes you pay HIM for it at the end. XD I'…
Iyasenu wrote: »
Get back at him by using Brass Grandmaster certificates instead of the real ones.
Lol, that Yui is into the Gold Strike idea.
And nice one changing the Gold Strike bag's icon into the Ducat icon.
Unfortunately, I most often…
Apparently you can straight up buy the secret passes to this mission - from Sinead at Tara Castle - if you actually finish G11, which is probably less maddening - versus waiting for them to drop at random - considering how many times you might need …
As such, Tatsugi really should cancel his offer immediately. I'd forgotten initially that GMs can easily spawn otherwise unavailable items, but this also means he almost certainly will be scammed. Many hackers unfortunately know ways to access those…
The outfit itself certainly exists - and can even be bought from an NPC easily enough, assuming you have 700k - but there is no known existence of the needed Pattern, since no items purchased from NPCs ever count as "Signed".
It seems Korea event…
As far as I can tell, he's going to - in theory - pay someone just to prove it exists. This is impossible - however - as the Sewing Pattern literally doesn't exist, at least according to various sources. His original post never specifically said the…
I apologize for the misunderstanding.
By the way, I just did some research and - according to Reddit - this item literally doesn't exist on Mabinogi's US servers. I became suspicious when there was no such item listed on our …
You've posted this in the wrong section, as this unfortunately seems to be a Mari only post. Posts exclusively regarding a specific server need to be placed in that server's chat section. To be in General a topic needs to be Server Agnostic, yet you…
Pro-Advice: Nine times out of ten when something on a website doesn't work, disabling Ad Blocker momentarily is often the fix.
As for why it happened, it's probably because the section was recently changed (either that, or your browser updated). …
If nothing else, they only serve to drive the price down faster.
That said, I'm extremely not amused by these botters either. Not because of the impact they have on the price, but because they keep getting away with this every single time. As @Ve…