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This is clearly made from AI. You can tell from the low resolution of the images, ill-defined hair, and blur.
I wouldn't have a problem if you stated that you are using AI to create an image from the reference, but pretending you drew these is disr…
IGN: Niiomie
Server: Nao
I recently expanded my homestead, so I did lots of moving! I drew a small illustration for each section, please enjoy! Sorry, there's a lot of photos too, so it might load a bit slow.
Homestead Area BEFORE
My hom…
Will the Spring Garden box and the Warm Hot Springs Box include the point system like they did during their original release? As in each box opened gives a point and accumulating a certain amount will give a bonus item
Adeno wrote: »
Maybe this will help. I found some videos for the end credits screen of G1. There are others on youtube, just search "Mabinogi credits".
Anyway according to the video above...
Art Director - Rooney Yi
Character Designer…
Helsa wrote: »
Crimsọn wrote: »
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Are these duplicate posts a sign from above?
Ken stahp...
They can't help it Crimsy; they're obsessed.
Guys please don't derail the topic of the thread, thanks.
IMO people should be grateful that you drew something for them for free, rather than pointing out all the specifics they didn't like. I think your artwork is fine and your poses are very expressive! I'm quite poor so I can't commission you, but you …
It's very hard to find parties, and this is only after 2 days of the event being released.
I can understand why because the rewards are not worth the amount of time it takes to finish the run 3 times, and it's extremely difficult to finish off all …
3rdy wrote: »
mysterysoda wrote: »
3rdy wrote: »
mysterysoda wrote: »
Hi, I've been having problems with the event and I'm wondering if others have the same issue.
I finished the 3rd student's quest 5 times and got her lantern, but the next…
Yep I agree, I was really hoping we would get the KR event. The event NPCs look cool and I enjoy storyline events (and that Halloween cape yo). I was disappointed in this year's event because it isn't very Halloween-like and is just a reskinned rock…
3rdy wrote: »
mysterysoda wrote: »
Hi, I've been having problems with the event and I'm wondering if others have the same issue.
I finished the 3rd student's quest 5 times and got her lantern, but the next (real-life) day I was unable to talk t…