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Last Active
August 21, 2002
About Me
Grandmaster Mage who loves to help others. Listless ambivert.
Came back to this post to provide a screenshot this time. (nevermind it broke) While I took it a few months back and forgot to post it, and the bug became less frequent for me these days thankfully, I did get it again just the other day. Also, I'd l…
They are killing parties, so I hope they really reconsider this. And get rid of limits, cause that's just encourage afk and fashiongoi more. I mean, c'mon...maybe people like doing fashion more because actual dungeons isn't as fun or rewarding as it…
Its a good filler reforge to use though, and easier to get then others. So to get it to r1 then move to better reforges is a good idea, it'll just uh...probably take a long time. And growth also gives you about 200 or over, so there's that.
I knooww. Same. Need to do it 2 more times. I get it if they want you to run a grindy dungeon, but why four times? Doesn't help that only the leader can do it, so its not fair to anyone else spamming it with you. Like, if two people did it together …
Is that was this is about...? Multi client? Make the chance to get an item even for all the players then instead of splitting it between everyone. And get rid of limits. But even then, I don't think its worth narrowing it down to a party of four jus…
I got ran with a friend today and read the scriptures. The second one I read told me to ask her a certain prompt and I read the third and it said I should ask her more questions first.
So basically you have to unlock each prompt and then talk to …
I've seen people reporting similar server issues in "technical support", not to mention there seems to be a lot of server issues in general like players crashing often or just bad lag.
Speaking of, this post is in general chat. I'd advise moving …
Geez, that's really unfortunate. At this point I don't feel like expiration titles should be even sellable. Some random titles you can get in events lately are untradeable, and yet ones that'll expire are...
But yea, it should at least be put in …
I would really like new places to explore, but I can get that that might take a while.
On a similar subject about the grinding, the new Avon mission is weirdly strong considering the rewards aren't the best. I'd get it if its for the weaker playe…
Yeah, me neither, so I'm not sure what triggers it, other then simply logging in. (Edit, today I logged on and later went to ch1 then back to my main channel, and couldn't access homestead because of the market place bug, so I guess it does act up f…
Ahhh, that does sound very inconvenient. It sounds like its some sort of lag/displacement issue? But hopefully you can get some help and sort it out.
I also wanted to add, after two hours the fishing hole ices over, so depending on if you find a …
Ah, I know about that, but when I say this happens when I'm in a normal area/channel, I mean it. I've barely been to those housing channels and never go there anymore. There's no reason why this should be happening, it's just a simple glitch that ha…
Already made a post about it back in December. Elebon responded back, but it'll probably take a little bit before they fix it, so all we can do now is keep waiting.
How about reading each in order after defeating her? That's what it sounds like the wiki is saying to do, at least?
"Each time you defeat her, read a scripture to unlock the next dialog option. You are required to talk to her using the new dialog…
Shakaya wrote: »
The Auction House is what killed the personal shop areas. People still use Dunbarton, but the appeal of Belvast having an increased gold limit in the license, is redundant because all the expensive goods go on the Auction House. B…
Hoshilove12345 wrote: »
actually a lot of players from the ruairi server specifically started hiding their gear around the time back when hackers could steal ur items straight from the preview window.... those were some fun dayyyysss wweeeeeee