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Whenever I think of summer, I like to imagine having fun, jumping gleefully into a tropical lake without a care in the world...
Though honestly, it's much more likely that I'll just burst into flames from being overheated. Woops, sorry tree!
Oh I love the natural dye game too, it's really fun once you get used to it! Just, in leu of that being more frequent, this thread is a great option.
Also forgot before, but #AFEEEE in metal is another dye I haven't seen in forever, lol. I'd give…
There's a couple colors I've been hoping to see come back again, hopefully this thread isn't considered "dead" ^^;;
#B0C4DE, came from the Memento gachapon in all dye types iirc.
#E0FFFF, came from the Checkmate gachapon I believe, in regular …