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Helsa wrote: »
Negumiko wrote: »
... Because of the Auction House and small player population there are not enough personal shops to fill up Belvast anymore and the Housing Channel Market is dead.
It's not there being less people than, say, t…
Dragoolfire wrote: »
Okay, that's sort of it. Wasn't aware that was a thing. Now make it apply to *all* weapons and be a cash shop item.
Momma_Sophie wrote: »
Vasumati wrote: »
Momma_Sophie wrote: »
Vasumati wrote: »
uhm... are you feeling alright?? this is your first post in this thread. How can i respond to a post that you never made?? Unless you are one of the other accoun…
Momma_Sophie wrote: »
Vasumati wrote: »
uhm... are you feeling alright?? this is your first post in this thread. How can i respond to a post that you never made?? Unless you are one of the other accounts in this thread...
Vasumati wrot…
Bronzebreak wrote: »
Isn't there already? I can't find it now but I could've sworn there was an item for that that works exactly that way.
To my knowledge there's nothing that does that. You can buy item from nerys that *removes* appearances..
Momma_Sophie wrote: »
Vasumati wrote: »
At least have the fortitude to directly respond to me with what you disagree with in what I've said. lmao
This community, I swear to god...
That video is outdated.
Ninja is highly well-used among …
rawrnyah wrote: »
They can get the same amount of dex as elves. Neither of those two skills have different modifiers for different races, bar the cooldown on mag. I'm assumning a human can jsut get mag cooldown and voila: it's the same damn thi…
On my human i can pull it off roughly 73.25% of the time. It is there; but the prescion required is quite high. Have yet to try it on elf.
Either that, or i've been incredibly lucky for years.
And everyone always talks about the elves being OP at archery... there's nothing that elves do that makes them better at it besides a single variable: magnum shot cooldown. To my understanding, at late game the only two archery skills that matter ar…
Policroma wrote: »
I will admit I'm one of those elf characters who wants dual wielding for "the looks", as I have always loved the trope of the elf archer who pulls out a pair of knives when the action gets too close. And thus the inability for a…
justshowing wrote: »
Yes, with spirit bows ultimate you don't ever need to buy more arrows again.
Win jousting one time to get the arrows and with that spirit bow archery at level 63 it becomes a lot easier.
Elves don't need to duel wield an…
And another thing. When speaking to one of the giant npcs (i believe krug) withe twin sword keyword, he mentions giants cant dual wield swords because it requires too much DEXTERITY. the elves are suppossed to be physically weak, but most of the shi…
Well those metallic arrows are very interesting. I was looking more into ego's and saw that one of the ultimate skills says something like 'attack without consuming ammo'. Does this happen 100% of the time?? Could you really just buy 1 mettalic arro…
Bronzebreak wrote: »
Vasumati wrote: »
Bronzebreak wrote: »
Some items can't be listed in the AH; those that can use the exact in-game name, so I presume the Badoura is one of the unlistables.
Edit: Turns out I have some, and can confirm th…
Bronzebreak wrote: »
Some items can't be listed in the AH; those that can use the exact in-game name, so I presume the Badoura is one of the unlistables.
Edit: Turns out I have some, and can confirm they can't be listed in AH for whatever reaso…
The milletans are immortal gods that rebirth thousands of times, keeping a lifetime of memories and skills with them, but they still cant land an arrow half the time. But shooting guns and throwing shurikens and never missing?? No problem we got it.…