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I understand if this is confusing but, what about having the same outfit in both gachapon and in outfit bags. Only difference between these would that gachapon would have the idle (if there is one) and maybe a set bonus??? While the Outfit Box just …
Oh, a friend of mine uses that, she told me you can get it from the dye amp gacha
(I forgot which one it was)
Eluned Floral Fairy Earrings (Elf/F) = 100k or less
Lorna Baloon(5 uses) = 150k
Free Repair Kit = idk
Blue upgrade stone = 10k/20k ea
Red Upgrade stone = 80k / 90k ea
Clay flute = 50k (?)
Focused Blue beam sword = 100k or something
Eluned …
Behelit wrote: »
We need that Ace rebirth event back. I know someone who spammed evasion from Tir to Tara and still wasn't able to obtain crisis escape.