Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Uhh, so the population IS unbalanced and Alexina players were right? Was the wording messed up? I’m not sure if the server population meters are based on currently logged players, or total created characters. The Alexina meter has been steadily…
  • PlatinaKoki wrote: » I was, and still am, against a server merge entirely, as is/was most of the community. Don't make such a generalization. And names can have important, irreplaceable value, especially if you've used it for 11 years. Obv…
  • We all knew losing names was a consequence of the server merge. “But it wasn’t supposed to happen to ME” is naive thinking. Name “stealing” is inevitable whether it happens legitimately or maliciously. You all whined and begged for a server merge fo…
  • I tooooollld y’all. >nb4 the name changes break something else I gotta give Nexon props for restricting name changes to those only negatively affected by the merge, for now. Damage control (aka you guys are the guinea pigs, lol)
  • Greta wrote: » Mabinogi IRL: Give me the fat cat whistle
  • Male Giant’s rest rank F-A sit in such a way, so this should definitely be able to be implemented for other races/genders. It’d also be great to be able to *choose* a resting position rather than depending on clothing/rank (higher ranks can unlock n…
  • Gaea wrote: » [...] But you know what has gone down is complete bs. Getting names fixed and thus fixing guilds should of been their main priority when this problem arose. Screw the schedule. YES everything else should have halted when that happ…
  • I mean, yeah, that’d be cool, but wouldn’t that skyrocket their value? To be able to pick literally any color...their NX price would certainly go up, too (no one would buy fixed dye gacha ever again). Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’d be coo…
  • Darkpixie99 wrote: » So let's take the UI into frame here. If this were to work, let's say for the benefit of the doubt that it would work like this. Friends List -> See Friends/View Guild Members Right click on Friendofnao, then this list…
  • So I know this is technically a less desired “afk event”, but my heart still yearns for the Homestead Fishing event. The HS items, the DYES(!!), the HS stones. We actually got a lot of good stuff out of it. Also, another vote for dragon boat raci…
  • I'm not into PvP. Sometimes EvG is fun to mess around with, but I hate PvP going on record as it's usually so unbalanced (especially the past few years with so many gmod skills/equipment). That being said, I love this idea. I personally wouldn't par…
  • I'm in love with those wigs, for both genders...but especially the femme version. The outfits are just okay I guess, kinda giving me "Flame Rider (F)" and "Starlet Circle (M)" outfit vibes. Not my personal taste, but whatever. Just a friendly rem…
  • Something refugees are going to have to get used to, is competition. More people trying to make a quick buck on the same stuff you’re selling; constantly undercutting until it reaches a price that’s not worth it anymore. Then again, most Nao players…
  • Zetophi wrote: » I would loose my mind if I lost EVERYTHING. Like the game dying... I think people are just happy to see people Personally, yeah, I wouldn’t give a damn if I had to rejoin a guild or whatever. As long as it can be easily reme…
  • So I’ve been doing a bit of reading about servers. Obviously I’m in no way an expert, but it’s now my understanding that servers aren’t as simple as they seem. The biggest thing, being cost. A server for a game like Mabi costs a LOT, we’re talkin h…
  • I think it’s a lot more complicated than writing a code. There’s surely a lot of bugs they need to test and iron out. I highly doubt they’re dragging their changes have *never* been a thing before, they likely have to rewrite a LOT of pr…
  • For some people, incentive IS to be on the lesser-populated server. That was my thinking when I fist joined Mabinogi and picked Mari...seemed like a decent population (and at the time, it was). Not too busy, not too quiet. It’s not like Alexina i…
  • Sebastian wrote: » Past me, very frequently. At least $3000 into the game. Nowadays I make much better choices. I'm a recovered gachaholic. Sai wrote: » I used to buy NX, like 3k as well. But I stopped years ago. Ahhh I would’ve put that…
  • I’m not moving, but I voted Alexina since I’m staying there (I’ve interpreted your question as: Which server will you be playing on?). I’ve been revisiting my first ever mabi character who I ditched on Mari years’s like starting from scratc…
  • Sebastian wrote: » I think what Greta means here is that the fact Nao's population was communicated as being similar to Alexina (the only reason they had stated Alexina wouldn't be merged), and then the population subsequently requiring extra ch…