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It needs a serious time increase for sure. each fail match is -2 to the timer. This is a massive progression wall. Reminds me of Anthems progression wall they did with the trials. I have already spent 2 hours trying to beat the timer on it...
I never used death mark before. Ether way seeing that blaze has become less effective for me lately and no answers as to why, I'm selling off some of my blaze gear to go back to my old gun build that seems to deal far more damage even with most of m…
Kaga wrote: »
Shinoryoshu wrote: »
Strange... I havn't changed up how I use it so it should work as intended.
Maybe.. just MAYBE.. your wife used fantastic chorus to debuff them? (it affects the mobs' stats, therefore the magic def/prot)
and its odd because I run a 20 blaze glove and a 3 blaze ring along side with all MA boosters and enchants plus my savage blue 6 and a holy eagle shield with 5 MA boost. like I'm decked out but I hardly do what I used to.
I tend to solo blaze. I don't normally play with others, other then my wife that is but she uses a sword. It's just very confusing on why my damage has dropped.
To elite SM enemy I was doing base damage of 9k ish and 20-30k crits a while back and as of today I did a sm and did around 3k ish base and 15k crits.....and I was beside myself seeing that low of damage with all the gear I have on.
Ktty wrote: »
sounds like you may have malware that's redirecting your traffic. You should do everything necessary to remove it quickly as they can be annoying and potentially redirect you to something you don't realize is not a legitimate site an…
They most likely rushed the maintenance. My guess is that within a few hours if not tomorrow will be an emergency maintenance for this seeing it is keeping mabi from being playable.