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Yeah no. I don't care if "it's a miracle" that we've avoided it this long; it sets a precedent that gets worse and worse. The slippery slope fallacy is a real thing, and the more years that go by the more I get to see just how far capitalism's end g…
Well said Crims, I forgot to mention that tbh. Mostly my gripe was on Racial Transformations and adding Ego/Erg for Merlins
Definitely, this game is really tanking for the Western consumers. Too much RNG within RNG - , things like Divine Weapons ha…
Not surprised. I saved up coins so its good to know that the 2nd title isn't feasible - its RNG within RNG. You have to get the box, then you have to get lucky with the box.
What kind of stupidity is this? I'm flabberghasted that anybody would even…