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While it does need to be changed, it wouldn't hurt simply adding an item that can increase the amount of points you receive. Obviously not an item that is "easy" to get, but you know.
Greta wrote: »
Lidrster wrote: »
Greta wrote: »
12 hour maintenance... Some people will miss their Coffee coins, R.I.P. I think that might be me too.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. What a nice maintenance for european players.
We will prob…
I mean seriously guys, if there was a server merge or switch...they culd just add an M R T or A in front of our names to show where we originally came from...
For example I would be: [T] Amelanii (insert title)
I don't have a problem with it dying....just with seeing the same people over and over....like please, someone I have never seen before come to Tarlach.
Too lazy to check if someone has said this before cause I'm sick and my birds are being super annoying!!! Anyway,
We have a slot for headgear/wigs, we have a slot for outfits, a slot for robes/wings, a slot for gauntlets/gloves....and a slot for …
My friend was stuck like that for a long time, he even restarted the whole computer, literally shut it off and back on! And it STILL!!! Said "Currently in Game"
Excuse me but WHAT, that's impossible. Nexon Launcher has caused more issues than hel…
@Tairiku unrealistic? Seriously? Go to the store buy a skirt and you can put it on...go to the store buy a wig and you can put it on...go to the store buy ANYTHING AND YOU CAN PUT IT ON! Only way I will agree with you being unrealistic is if you mea…
They honestly shoulda done like a Saga 3 or a Pre-Gen 19 side quest or something, to explain what happened. I totally forgot what happened at the beginning of Gen19 because I accidentally did it cause I didn't know what it was at the time until I sa…
I got tired of reading so I'll just say it now: Am I the only one worried about the Golem + Puppet + Pet + Necromancy thing that'll be going around if they add this XD
Yeah that'd be lovely, maybe something like the dungeon event. NOT THE SAME THING, but something where people work together is definitely a must...I guess in a way the shadow mission one makes people work togehter...