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I disagree. I see AR as a humans ace-in-the-hole in archery, much like FH is for close combat. Giant Warriors/Elf Archers may outclass their human counterparts in general, but humans can pull these out and keep up.
No. Humans are horrible at a…
No one can read can they at all?
It's not a DEBUFF because you still gain stats. You simply gain slightly LESS int than you gain str.
So in the end, this update isn't worth it and I won't be coming back to Mabinogi any time soon.
For elves…
IGN: Henrietta777
ART TYPE YOU WANT: 3 / (3+Lighting, if I can get both versions?)
REFERENCE: http://puu.sh/u82hz/89855e91b2.png
Orange colour is usually FF6600 or similar.
POSE: https://tapastic.com/episode/568789
Last panel, holding a boo…