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Ataraxiz wrote: »
Congratulations for the spotlight from Mabinogi on their Facebook page last week! My guild, Electrolytes, just received the spotlight for Mari! Again, congratulations!
Congratulations to you as well!
We're so thankful for the…
Gaea wrote: »
I found it kind of funny during the the last stream how Saygo pronounced it Ru-Ai-Ri. =P
That's how I say it, and nobody can tell me otherwiseeeee ~
Jaridavin wrote: »
Florist wrote: »
Can I has some?
There's enough for everyone!
TheNyanCat wrote: »
I don't think Pusheen would enjoy spicy.
Everyone likes spicy..
This question scares me.
A game I've been playing for many, many years will always be hard to let go of. Even with all of the AFKing for events, or just too busy with my real-life to do anything other than afk; I enjoy this game very much. I alwa…
I'm very picky with IGN's.. and since I dislike using numbers (Sorrynotsorry), it's feels super hard to find a good name without 'em!
I'm not very creative, I usually google a list of unique words & go from there.
After stumbling around look…
I usually buy 1 batch of the newest gacha ($15), just to see where my luck takes me. Usually aiming more towards selling the items for gold. Lately new stuff in gacha's haven't interested me except this current one, the Carmen's Performance Prop Box…
This gacha is absolutely terrible. I buy a stack of every new gacha just for giggles with no real need for any of the items within; but this gacha.. I really wanted the Eluned Mortello's Suit. I did 65$ (with my fingers crossed for the suit) just to…
The limit of 5 Raw wood daily, is the reason I will not be getting the greenhouse. With my schedule being as hectic as it is, I'm lucky I can even manage to even get two or three for that day. I really hate the AFKing aspect, but I also really enjoy…