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Iyasenu wrote: »
I definitely love the idea of a background that isn't a hideous wasteland of dirt, sand, or ice and snow.
Even if they handle it like the Bandit Homestead where it's "walled" off by mountains after a certain point. I guess it's…
Greta wrote: »
I guess there's no point in making jokes in these forums because people think i have ill intentions and being rude right away. Sigh.
Angelhappy43 wrote: »
This thread has me in tears.
Tears of sadness or joy?
Tears of confu…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Something like adding a pin/checklist of items that you want and getting notifications when there is a listing?
Yeah! Pretty much
Rest in peace my reputation / me as I get roasted by my friends for this, but 30k Nexon -b
*Sobs* I tried ok?
Server: Ruairi
IGN: Angelhappy43
Time to hide in shame -b-b-b-b-b-b.
Shout out to all the creepy guys on Mabi who have done …
TheNyanCat wrote: »
AsunaXRin wrote: »
Honestly, I did. But I'm not really digging the progression mechanic. I mean I got to like lvl 41 and I barely got any increment of a few points across the stat board. Skills are a grindfest.(Tried to do bl…
Nikomis wrote: »
Apt to agree on my end. Different hairs could have different two-tone types. like some shorter ones might have a simple ombre, some might go full 90s mistakes and have frosted tips options, some might have split tone hair where th…