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ookie wrote: »
the one i got credit for was the Daily for Taillteann, and i did it on Basic .... the others i did in Int. and Adv. yet still no go .....perhaps it's just a random prize in the chest ???? ....if so then it's SPAM CITY ...lol
ookie wrote: »
has anyone gotten that yet....i've done 5 shadow missions in Taillteann....the first gave me the requirement for the first portion, but no luck getting the Second from a shadow mission...am i supposed to play around in both Tailltea…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Do you have other quests that require interaction with Edern? Or are you just getting the regular shop interface?
might i throw suggestion? maybe he/she doesnt have 100 prof gladius?
well, 1 better than nothing?
Bubbleblib wrote: »
I appreciate the gesture very much but kind of looking for a way to get them myself as you need 24 teardrops to clear all the moon stones :
Bubbleblib wrote: »
As the title suggests I am unable to get this keyword. I just finished g24 part 1 and am trying to do the next few quests with the moon stone debris. To make the Moon Stone Water though I need a Teardrop of the Spirit. I have f…