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Same. I am taken to this page:
I just tried again with add ons disabled and it works now. But that has never been necessary before and I haven't changed my add-ons. I was having …
"You must raise the minimum bid" notification is completely one sided. The buyer/bidder has also had their bid money frozen - what if a similar item had been offered by someone else, but x hours later when the seller/system decides to change the min…
Are the "Average Recent" prices accurate enough to take into consideration? Normally I search housing prices, personal shops and buying/selling on here for my server for item price checks, and now obviously checking prices of same listed items. I c…
Thanks, this helps a lot. I was able to use the coupon when I went to a house and left directly back to where I was. I must have always switched housing areas before and thought the coupon just never worked. I forgot about continent warp - that's a …
I logged off and back on and now he gave me one. Thank you for your help or I would have thought that was just normal to lose it till tomorrow.
I talked to him a few times and he doesn't give me another. I just started today and did the quest twice. Maybe it will re-set tomorrow. Thank you.
Sorry to be stupid but I did the quest twice and now my basket is gone. But it says here that the basket will be removed at the end of the event. Or will he give me another one tomorrow?
Oops, sorry I forget to add I have a PC with Win 10. idk what all the other stuff is but I can find out if it helps. It's a new computer waaay faster than my old one. It's a desktop.
Edit: It has Intel(R) Core i5-6500 CPU @3.20 GHz 8 GB RAM 64 bit…