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Sgiathach wrote: »
Sorry i dont understand what your trying to say here... if you are saying you only have 2 orbs following you thats because of how stardust works if you click the little queston mark when your in the stardust tab it will say rig…
Wolfsinger wrote: »
TwistedxFate wrote: »
Is there even gonna be enough time to get a set of Ornamental Glass Wings?
I think if I calculated it correctly, you're gonna have to complete all the weekly quests for the 100 coins to have even a ch…
Stormbeast wrote: »
TwistedxFate wrote: »
Gonna be very disappointed if the train selection box isn't a pet. Otherwise I will be partially regarding my decisions
The Toy train is most certainly a chair item. Hard to imagine that 1) they make …
So.. anyone remember the Phoenix Rebirth Event (2013)? I'd like to see that return, but instead of the pet being able to expire, actually make the cool blue fire bird friend a perma pet this time around?
I'd like to see the following return:
Pixie Fantasia Box (I know it's not an event, but this box was last seen in 2017)
Cursed Labyrinth
Buckets of Color
Utawarerumono anime collab
Dragon Boat Racing (with actually decent rewards)
I'd like to see the following return:
Pixie Fantasia Box (I know it's not an event, but this box was last seen in 2017)
Cursed Labyrinth
Buckets of Color
Utawarerumono anime collab
Dragon Boat Racing (with actually decent rewards)
I'd like to see the following return:
Pixie Fantasia Box (I know it's not an event, but this box was last seen in 2017)
Cursed Labyrinth
Buckets of Color
Utawarerumono anime collab
I'd like to see the following return:
Pixie Fantasia Box (I know it's not an event, but this box was last seen in 2017)
Cursed Labyrinth
Buckets of Color
Helsa wrote: »
Do you type in your username and password or do you cut-and-paste them?
Since I play through Steam, I type. But the issue seems to have sorted itself out now. Thanks anyways