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Siodhan wrote: »
I felt like the one at minute 7 was also supposed to be a reference to the fairy well in ALTTP. Although that as well may be a reference to something.
"Did you drop this gold smartphon-" before he cuts her off, is the only refe…
How far from west coast are ya Rhey? I wonder if the closer you are the less position lag there is. That feel when east coast and east coast server never.
Why are the transformations so expensive?
Tsumikki wrote: »
also got just one so far
btw Rainbow Sheep don't have the adorable Rest animation of normal and paper sheep.
Do the sheeps give godly stat percentages when transformed into one?
How come the Scheduled Maintenance post on the website only states that they're just addressing
Weekly Server Upkeep
? Don't they usually also add what we're getting to the list?