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@Erika Try to verify the game cache. If you are using Nexon Launcher, I am not aware of it, you might have to reinstall the game.
Also to make sure to try out my method of locking the mp3 folder. It is in previous post.
Hold wrote: »
jinwk00 wrote: »
1. Go to Mabinogi's Game Cache files
2. Right click on mp3 folder and go to Properties
3. Go to Security tab and press Advanced
4. Disable the inheritance
5. Deny all access to "write" e…
1. Go to Mabinogi's Game Cache files
2. Right click on mp3 folder and go to Properties
3. Go to Security tab and press Advanced
4. Disable the inheritance
5. Deny all access to "write" except You, Administrators, and User…