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Nah. You could just make a new character for x server to play with your friends instead. Sure, you'd have to redo all of your stats and skills, but there's AP training to help you do that. Surely those friends would probably help get you level up. I…
I think it means the number of hits on an enemy before they're knocked back/knocked down. If you mean the "Very Fast 7 Hit" thing anyways. If not, then I'm not sure.
I'd go for a server merge if all of our characters and pets were deleted, that way we all start off fresh, fair and square. Reforges can be permanently removed, too. No need for them if we have tons of people to play with and help us, right? :^)
Froglord wrote: »
Only if Giants get more than 12 colors in return.
More like if only Giants are able to have all the same features a Humans and Elves have. :c
ONLY if they release a male Dowra outfit! That's one of the few female outfits that has pants and is worth a sex change
all of the Male > Female outfits are nice, but I can;t stand most of the Female > Male ones. I did get an Eluned detective…