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Maia wrote: »
Also, can we remove aiming from archery yet? That mechanic is just dumb. Just make it so you have to manually click where to shoot the arrow. It's not like archery would be OP if we didn't have to aim lol it's still got crazy cooldow…
Greta wrote: »
THICCthighssavelives wrote: »
Is the maintenance still going on?
Yes and i start to feel that they might extend this again...
Confirmed in the discord.
Arjune wrote: »
Jaridavin wrote: »
And I'm assume it is, given how we're gaining 2 more. I doubt we're gonna make the mistake of 100 events at once again, right?
sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the B I N G O thing isn't an event... it'…
Tetosan wrote: »
Actually i only regret the waste of time, the event held nothing i wanted, i got the Ram Title early on, the only thing i'm missing out on is the Random Boxes i planned on buying and thus another 50 90 Day Pucks to throw away. I'm…
jjeremy wrote: »
Lol, same thing happened to me. I should have actually read the announcement. They'll probably remove the coins and board too during the maintenance if that's any consolation.
If it's the end of the event, then yes.
And I'm …
7 AM is more common, but 5 AM still happens.
This is nowhere near out of the blue. 2 weeks ago was the same maint time. Guess a good learning experience to check the times yourself.
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Jazmyn wrote: »
So now the real mystery that needs to be solved is, why do suggestions keep getting moved to general. These 3 topics had thought put into them, and this one in particular has been around for awhile. Why d…
Jazmyn wrote: »
I'm curious... if NO ONE had actually SAID that we were collecting the notes so fast, would the time have actually been "fixed"? Can we all have an agreement to NEVER SAY ANYTHING about something as fantastic as a 2 minute wait tim…
Probably has to do with how some conversations go when two people have completely different ideas on how much the item sells for.
My Bunny Boxer Robe situation is an example. I asked multiple people who had the robe what it was worth, and they al…
Chibisai wrote: »
And there should be a cancel bid button *cough* And shouldn't take the gold out before the end bid....
The reason it takes your gold out instantly when you bid is to prevent you from bidding, then lowering your bank funds afte…
WolfandWolf wrote: »
It seems that items that have a trade number on them (you can only trade this 1 time) cannot be placed. And also other items that cannot be mailed cannot be placed (revival balloons). So regular shops probably won't disappea…
Bronzebreak wrote: »
For the search bar crashing, I'm pretty sure it's because it is constantly searching with every letter you type.... your first letter probably lists most of the in-game items. If they just made it so that it didn't search unti…
Sherri wrote: »
KrissyPootel wrote: »
i cant believe there are people who are against commas.. LOL
yes, because not everyone shares the same opinion.
Honestly, outside of scamming someone for 10X the price, what's the issue with the comma…
Greta wrote: »
Gotta love people QQ'ing about event being lame/sad and getting nothing, but junk. We freaking got 3 nice robes. That's something too.
Yes. The robe's are nice. The Tattered Teddy Robe was a quick like for me.
However, I wante…
Greta wrote: »
Arjune wrote: »
you gotta realize there's a LOT of players that don't even have 1 mil...and if they do, they have more important things to spend it on. When I was a newbie I played for like 2 years before I ever had even 1 mil....…