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Sylverdawn wrote: »
(well lets hope the img codes work here!)
Name: Sylverdawn
Server: Mari
I don't know, something about sitting above everyone having fun while enjoying a nice cup of tea is a favorite part of my day. Got to make sure eve…
(well lets hope the img codes work here!)
Name: Sylverdawn
Server: Mari
I don't know, something about sitting above everyone having fun while enjoying a nice cup of tea is a favorite part of my day. Got to make sure everyone is being nice, a…
What server are you on? If you are on Mari i can get you there really quickly. (depending on your race, giants are too big for my pets.) Send me a message in game if you are on mari, my name is Sylverdawn
Don't listen to Yem! Well he isn't wrong or anything, but I like to take the guild motto as:
"We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the …