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Codes are:
C3- A2BCD9
C9- 6A9ED7
D7- 8CB3E0
E4- ADC9F2
H3- F2619A
You can check them here https://www.color-hex.com/
And Shuriken has been sent.
roastedpig wrote: »
Ign: Valheima
Is the dye on F1 and B10 still available? Please mail me all your stock for them
Also, if you happen to have this color: #44151C (brown-red), please mail everything to me too
thanks a bunch
Sorry f…
Mysticbluwa wrote: »
Mkoch99 wrote: »
Okay, please mail it to me ^u^
IGN: Mysticbluwa
sorry for the wait, it has been sent
Sending dyes right now and the hexcodes are;
A10 ebe9d5
C7 b9e5ac
D11 dce2ea
F1 9b2424
G2 e0cdc9
You can enter them in here to have a better look at the color https://www.color-hex.com/
NemurikoAlexina wrote: »
IGN: Nezurin
If you mail me the Demonic Knuckle for 200k, I'll buy it. 500k's a bit too high for me.
*If there's a fee to mail it, I'll pay the fee as well.
I can do that, I tend to change prices anyway
Bumping again to say currently the first batch of dyes are being sold in game!
CH 1 in Belvast in "Dyes to die for and more"
If the shop is gone then I either left the game or just disconnected
Vesperiel wrote: »
May I have any and all of the 7B68EE purple(s)?
Yes, you can, and didn't realize it wasn't clear but all dyes in the batch shown are only one of each color. (Since it would actually be really rare to have dups when you actual…
Only one account of mine got the +Mari name, luckily it was an alt. Not sure about pets yet but I know you can check by going on the store for characters. Also, we can see a temp name for Nao Server.
A new beginning. Though really it'll just feel like a sudden boost in server population and some minor annoyances, like possible name changes and having to remake shop threads for Nao.