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Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Here's a question, if something like partners become permanent, would you be buying them consistently?
Follow-up question for after this one has been answered.
Since pet age potions are permanently for sale, are you buyi…
Iyasenu wrote: »
Nah, unless you want to do full clears just for the fun of it.
There's no extra reward for full clears once you get the Cellien-Buster title, so if you're only in it for the coins you get from the daily quest, then dying ASAP is …
Chibisai wrote: »
Kryo wrote: »
Pons are actually not cheap. They could make them cost a decent amount of pons so that people aren't casually switching hair every day or whatever, but to basically say here are 60% of the hair you'll never get to…
Yeah, you have to open the box.
When you open the box, it'll tell you what you WOULD get if you decided to accept it.
You can choose to not accept, and go on to the next day's box.
The box changes into the next day's box this way.
You can only o…
Sherri wrote: »
Knowing them, they'll ninja edit the actual news announcement instead of adjusting the pricing. =_=
You are correct. It now says
"We're leading off with discounted Spring Spirit Boxes, and the Luxury Equipment Box coming back!"
I did 6 int., nothing.
3 adv, nothing.
then after maint I go into an int. and then I get a notice that there's gonna be another maint... so I rush it, and got the box.
These bracelets are for me and my sister now.
Gakkuriaqua wrote: »
maybe a certain sports anime w/ outfit animations to match 8)...
I, too, would like Prince of Tennis. *fake innocent smile*
Oh! or Initial D! For the sake of something absurd!
Sebastian wrote: »
I remember the Ultimate Anime Summer very well, such as painfully logging in every weekend nonstop for...
a seal.
I got my SEALDandy from the event, so I'd say being able to make that pun was almost worth it.
Kisaraya wrote: »
Ultimate anime summer is still a sore spot for me, the 'anime pet' wasn't anime, it was a developer troll. As for anime, I would personally like to see the return of the vocaloids, including Hatsune Miku. They're very popular and…