[NEW MILLETIANS] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the Nexon Forums Code of Conduct. You have to register before you can post, so you can log in or create a forum name above to proceed. Thank you for your visit!
I'm so overwhelmed you guys!!!!!
I'll get right to it Preparing for a convention too, but so many of you have such cute OCs ;u; I hope I can get to them all!
Same here ;-; I used this one 'cause I had it on another site. Figured I'd be able to change it once I got used to posting here.
It probably helps keep people from just switching names and image to "disappear/hide" easier, but they could simply put…
I wish the average time taken was listed in the Code of Conduct page e-e
what if someone wanted to post a time-sensitive piece? [like an ad for a raid team ?]