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Once again sorry for slow updates, about to start colouring Imaizumi's commission. Also wanted to add chibis to my shop (only lineart example for now):
Sorry for throwing in my 5 cents but you certainly didn't have to get angry with Marielx or Percivaal. ^^'
"Spamming" wouldn't really describe it, but considering your art shop is still in the front page of this forum section, it doesn't seem neces…
Queue: Added Bravelatios to the waiting list. Waiting list is now locked!
Hello and sorry for slow updates, been a bit busy with school! Working on Nevine's lineart at the moment. Will reopen the waiting list as I finish some of the currently pla…
Progress post:
Slot:1/1 taken by [Neyna] (---) (DC)
Waiting: 5/5 [Alalarose] (F) | [nore/luc] (DC) | Mikitsue (DC) | Greta (DC) | Bravelatios (DC)
Note: Waiting list made according to reply time in forum+Discord.
Will reopen again as I fini…
Freebie done for Nevine:
Shop update: .
I have to say that I really enjoyed drawing each and every one of the characters, so thank you all for sharing and the positive feedback, it means a lot to me ^^
I'll be closing the shop for now as I ha…
Thank you (Greta) and sorry (Mykah) for the misunderstanding! In addition to what Greta said about the waiting list, I'm doing the commissions/freebies in sets and take breaks after, so after these last 3 orders I'll be taking some free time off dr…
No no it's fine, I'm sorry I didn't clarify!
Freebie done for MissFortune:
Queue: Euphoriia claims the slot.
Note: I'm sorry for later updates than usual, it's a rather busy time of the school year for me so I'm not able to draw as much as I…
Mikitisue wrote: »
Hello! Your art style is lovely I would absolutely love a freebie~
✒ Order Form: [ . . . ]
I'm really sorry but the waiting list is full at the moment T-T I'll only be working on the orders currently placed, sorry!
(Queue): Marielx claims the slot. Moved Neyna, MissFortune, Euphoriia, DANNYdani, NekoLily, Greta and Nevine to the waiting list. Waiting list is now full!
? RE: @Euphoriia I'm not really active on Mabinogi at the moment, and cannot have a PP ye…