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Harukari wrote: »
Why has almost every returning event been broken?
Come on now. Do they not test before they make it go live?
Naw why would they?
As someone just told me a few mins ago: "Why pay other ppl to test when they got us to do it fo…
So im streching it here but Nexon maybe during those 2,3,5 hours of Maint,it would be really cool if you guys..you know...actually test if the copied events work?
Can Nexon for once check their event and the quest thing before rolling the event out ??? I didnt join the first Fairy village event and i havent gotten the quest,just like the light and darkness before :^)
Please tell me when we got "potion-junk events" the closest we got to that are in a form of ingame gacha boxes where we hardly ever got 3-8 Potions at random points and now for Age 9 pot,which you cant buy a lot from if you want to get other items f…
Its been only unstable the past 2 days,before i only dc'ed once on the blue moon.
also deleting cookies and such doesnt fix it,even restarting the PC as ive been already suggested doesnt fix it.
I appear online for everyone for like 15-30mins afte…
well we loose a day or a few of this event so they should either extend it (id prefer the other) or compensate with something like a potion fishing event *wink wink*