Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • ThePravin wrote: » Amaraz wrote: » The Erg enhancement system is pretty much still the strongest thing to have right now, but it's an uphill climb to get to level 50 Erg on any weapon. TLDR; Erg 50 on weapons is op, train in hasidim raid for …
  • umm, ya, that's standard stuff. You don't own any part of your account. This stuff should be assumed from the beginning.
  • Amaraz wrote: » Your end game gear will depend a little on what you want to play. Chains are not necessarily the best because it has long animations, which may not be what you want for end game, but I do agree for midgame chains are fantastic. I p…
  • I'm also turned off by this. Do you know if there is any official post by the team regarding this issue?
  • I thought it was a one off but seems it's happening regularly for other players. A couple weeks ago I got disconnected right before a boss fight and couldn't log back in. I don't have much time to play so it kinda angered me that I wasted all that t…
  • Helsa wrote: » Negumiko wrote: » Helsa wrote: » Crimsọn wrote: » Hopefully this becomes Mabinogi's next renaissance. One hopes, but let's realize that the excitement in the game that existed twelve years ago was, to a great extent, fuele…
  • Thanks for the info. I did hear about the server merge and managed to secure mine name. -Chains as in the weapon? is that class best in terms of DPS? -I will look into the skill reset as that is a very good point for leveling up skills. I have a…
  • I suppose it was 5 years ago that I was last active. I also remember about reforge, i have rank 1 reforge armor that seems newly bought. ps. how to i stop the forums from disconnecting me? it does this every time i open a forum post.
  • I am gonna skip some of your questions because most of these comments are pretty much resonating with me. 4. What, in your opinion can increase popularity and engagement in the game? Haven't been playing for a long while and just recently came …