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Sometimes I wonder why I bother with mabi...but then I log in and look through my friendlist and see many great people I've befriended in the two years that I've been here. I remember the first day, I nearly quit because the game was too boring without friends.I couldn't do certain missions on my own and I figured the game just wouldn't work for me..until I met a friend. She shouted "elf!" and followed me around. She, too, was elf and we were close. A lot has happened over the years and my big circle of friends dwindled down to only a small handful...which is honestly...the best amount anyone needs.
Last Active
December 17, 1998
Personal Quote
What's the point of looking back when time only flows forward?
About Me
Anime, my cat, music and just about anything else.
You can make mats needed for other mats though, I think. My guild usually has to make a looot of certain items (like fine fabrics etc) for someone who uses it for Erg. Tailor itself is a bit...outdated but it's still fairly useful.
She's pretty for a character but her AI in the final battle sucks. : (
but uh, what a nice poem. I've don't think i've seen anyone do this before ahahaha
It's only been 3 days and all gold options are taken, and I'm using saving my coins for a tulip dress. I've decided to give up on that part of the event because it's not fair at all.
I'll have to check Celestia Luna out myself-- but yeah! I got the short stick, I was only playing Luna Online for like 3 months before "rip sorry we're shutting it down ". Ah well, fun while It lasted.
Luna Online. It got shut down a while back (years ago) and idk if its back or not. It's very similar to mabi but I don't remember much since it was so long ago. I miss it though-
There's a big thing going on about drinking milk or not. I haven't drank it in 10 years (hate the taste, even using strawberry syrup never helped). Many argue that they developed ospteriosis (can't spell even if my life depended on it) even while dr…
On a less drama note, I managed to get a rose pile tile thing whatever it was called. Only hs item, and I didn't even know those were in it. I don't mind the full recovery pots, because I use them for trials. I have never seen the light of prizes 1-…
My only concern is the sakura petals 2nd title. If you know me, you know I LOVE sakura trees. I /need/ that title. I hope we get this event, too. Won't put my hopes too high though--
What I did was run along the edge of the area away from Duke. If he goes under, keep running and hope he isn't near you. Use trans +demi as well, especially demigod because if you do get touched by Duke's bloody whatever skill, it won't kill you rig…
The beam sword scrolls are to take a beam sword's appearance and make it into a scroll. Then, I assume, it's to be used on any other sword. That's how I understood the scrolls you get. Has this been done?