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Katherz wrote: »
Hello! This has been fixed. If you bought a 45 pack but only got 11, please submit a CS ticket and you will get the rest of your boxes, thanks!
What should we file it under? These …
I should be used to the silent treatment since I've played this game for way too many years, but after playing better games with actual mod teams that care about customer support, I can't help but be appalled we haven't even got a "we're looking int…
None of these quite fit my own issue which isn't that the launcher doesn't start, I just get that it fails to update, even after a fresh reinstall. I'm also on Win10.
I'm having this same issue, except my launcher fails to update. I've tried removing any possibly conflicting programs, doing a full uninstall and reinstall with/without admin, but I keep bouncing between the same three errors.
" Yeah I've never done this before, but it doesn't hurt to try, right? Come on, it's just 500k! That's like, I dunno, a couple of shadow missions or something. You'll survive."
IGN: Kohdi
Server: Ruairi