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Akainai wrote: »
a sketch for you~
Oh wow! That is absolutely stunning! All of these sketches are! Thank you so much! CCC:
I'm so lost for words that I want to say more but can only get out a thank you. lol OTL
Wish I could send y…
Akainai wrote: »
@JillyBean I can wait to draw your character, feel free to add refs you like :>/
Okay. I had more time to put this together. Still not the best since I've never made a full character reference before but I tried. Lol
My cha…
Wish I had a better reference but my character has a pretty simple design. >A<
Anyways, your work looks so nice and usually I don't post for freebies but I just had the urge to this time. Haha.
I've not long been back myself so I'm not use t…
Sigh, I really hope so. I don't want to have to be stuck to another channel to set a shop up.
Reinstalling didn't help in the slightest so I guess I'll just have to play the waiting game until tomorrow.